20150117 152148

Antique Cars

17 Jan 2015

17 favorites


528 visits

20150117 152148

Antique Automobile Show - Oldsmobile - And a souped-up engine!!! Thank you all for visiting and for your gracious and appreciated comments! I wish I could thank each of you personally. Have a great creative day! Please do not use my photograph without my express consent. All rights reserved. Kathleen

17 Jan 2015

15 favorites


530 visits

20150117 151926

Antique Automobile Show - 1952 Hudson Hornet - My father drove Hudson Hornets in the early 1950's. Thank you all for visiting and for your gracious and appreciated comments! I wish I could thank each of you personally. Have a great creative day! Please do not use my photograph without my express consent. All rights reserved. Kathleen

17 Jan 2015

7 favorites


496 visits

20150117 154250

Antique Automobile Show - Beast of an engine and tripped-out paint job!!! Thank you all for visiting and for your gracious and appreciated comments! I wish I could thank each of you personally. Have a great creative day! Please do not use my photograph without my express consent. All rights reserved. Kathleen

17 Jan 2015

21 favorites


645 visits

20150117 160408

Antique Automobile Show - In the 50's and early 60's, car hops would roller skate to cars at drive-in restaurants and take your food and drink order. Usually, hamburgers, cokes and sundaes! {:o) Thank you all for visiting and for your gracious and appreciated comments! I wish I could thank each of you personally. Have a great creative day! Please do not use my photograph without my express consent. All rights reserved. Kathleen

17 Jan 2015

7 favorites


522 visits

20150117 155028 - Red Spartan and Vintage Mercedes

Antique Automobile Show - Spartan and vintage Mercedes with a rear boot in my favorite color! Awesome!!!!! Thank you all for visiting and for your gracious and appreciated comments! I wish I could thank each of you personally. Have a great creative day! Please do not use my photograph without my express consent. All rights reserved. Kathleen

17 Jan 2015

7 favorites


468 visits

20150117 154155

Antique Automobile Show - If you listen closely, you can hear it!! Awesome!! Thank you all for visiting and for your gracious and appreciated comments! I wish I could thank each of you personally. Have a great creative day! Please do not use my photograph without my express consent. All rights reserved. Kathleen

17 Jan 2015

6 favorites


405 visits

Awesome Old Ford

Antique Automobile Show - Awesome!! Thank you all for visiting and for your gracious and appreciated comments! I wish I could thank each of you personally. Have a great creative day! Please do not use my photograph without my express consent. All rights reserved. Kathleen

17 Jan 2015

12 favorites


503 visits

Vintage Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe

Thank you all for visiting and for your gracious and appreciated comments! I wish I could thank each of you personally. Have a great creative day! Please do not use my photograph without my express consent. All rights reserved. Kathleen