TigerHead's photos

Diagonal (b&w)

13 Sep 2015 22 11 562
Young Icarus had little fear of injury - Skate competition, sports park, September, 2015 (Please View in LightBox or in larger sizes for best effect.)

Black Crowned Night Heron

09 Dec 2014 10 6 375
Juvenile Florida heron recovers from his injuries under the loving supervision of dedicated environmental naturalists and veterinarians. Flamingo Gardens Animal Refuge and Botanical Research Center - Davie, Florida, December, 2014 (Please view in LightBox or in larger sizes for best effect)

Earth, Sea and Sky (color)

13 Dec 2014 5 2 381
Sunday afternoon at the beach - young family feeding gulls - Fort Lauderdale Florida, December 2014 (Please view in LightBox for best effect.)


13 Sep 2015 7 5 555
Young Icarus had little fear of injury - Skate competition, sports park, September, 2015 (Please View in LightBox or in larger sizes for best effect.)

Earth, Sea and Sky (sepia)

13 Dec 2014 5 5 264
Sunday afternoon at the beach - young family feeding gulls - Fort Lauderdale Florida, December 2014 (Please view in LightBox for best effect.)

Anatomy of an Infestation

16 Sep 2015 12 7 499
Oncopeltus Fasciatus, known as the Large Milkweed Bug is a medium-sized hemipteran (true bug) of the family Lygaeidae. It is distributed throughout North America. It ranges from Central America through Mexico and the Caribbean to southern areas in Canada. Costa Rica represents this insects southern limit. It inhabits disturbed areas, roadsides and open pastures. Due to this widespread geographic distribution this insect exhibits varying life history trade-offs depending on the population location. Also, this species is known to be beneficial for home gardens by acting as a parasite to milkweed plants. This large milkweed bug is a hemimetabolous insect, meaning it grows in stages called instars and goes through incomplete metamorphosis exhibiting small changes throughout development such as coloration changes, development of wings and genitalia. O. fasciatus begins as an egg and experiences 4 nymphal stages over 28–30 days before molting to adulthood. Females become sexually receptive within a few days of adulthood. Geographic location has a large effect on egg production rate and clutch size. Nursery on Milkweed Pods - Nature preserve, September, 2016 (Please view in LightBox or in larger sizes for best effect.)

Oh Canada!! III

21 Sep 2015 14 7 592
Gorgeous northern Ontario - one of the many bays that shed closely to the northern shores of Lake Superior. A (very) cool refreshing wind nearly knocks me off my feet as I tried to steady my camera. September, 2015 (Please view in Lightbox or in larger sizes for best effect.)

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter III

28 Aug 2015 19 10 600
Mantis - Hunting female. This one was amazingly aggressive. I observed and photographed her for a long time that day. Nature preserve - August, 2015 (Please view in Lightbox or in larger sizes for best effect.) Larger sizes best

"Trumpets Voluntary"

05 Oct 2015 2 3 331
The last night before the killer frost. Nature preserve, October, 2015 (Please view in Lightbox or in larger sizes for best effect.)

Greener Times

17 May 2015 7 5 444
A favorite trail - nature preserve, May, 2015 (Please view in Lightbox or in larger sizes for best effect.)

Proof of Love II

13 Sep 2015 9 4 494
Scrapes and Scars to prove it, Sean pushes his hard-earned skills at competition. Sports park, September, 2015 (Please view in Lightbox or in larger sizes for best effect.)

Moveable Feast II

21 Jun 2015 17 13 630
Fiery Skippers feeding on Milkweed flowers. Nature preserve, June, 2015 (Please view in Lightbox or in larger sizes for best effect.) The Fiery Skipper (Hylephila phyleus) is a butterfly of the family Hesperiidae and are approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) long. The males are orange or yellow with black spots while the females are dark brown with orange or yellow spots. The caterpillars are greenish pink with a black head. The caterpillars are often considered pests and can feed on bermudagrass, creeping bentgrass, and St. Augustine grass. Fiery skippers, along with all other species of skippers and skipperlings, can hold their wings in "triangle" shape. The forewings are held upright, and the hindwings are folded flat. This position is thought to better absorb the sun's rays. The fiery Skipper lives in Northern America.

Out of the Black and Into the Blue

20 Sep 2015 6 6 746
Dusk falls as I flee, alone, into the vastness of Northern Ontario for a little peace of mind. Hwy 17 - heading north from Sault Ste. Marie. September, 2015 (Please view in Lightbox for best effect.)

The Digital Age

18 Sep 2010 7 4 688
Rapt music fans and smart phone photographer. Rock festival, September, 2010 (Please view in Lightbox for best effect.)

Hipsters with Canines (color)

14 Sep 2014 1 2 350
Music festival, September, 2014 (Please view in Lightbox for best effect.)

Dignity in the Freezing Rain

08 Nov 2014 6 4 373
Coopers Hawk - Nature preserve, November, 2014. (Please view in Lighbox or larger sizes for best effect.)


28 Aug 2015 9 2 409
Male mantis, resenting the intruder. Nature preserve, August, 2015 (Please view in Lightbox or in larger sizes for best effect.)

New Leaves in Flight

08 May 2015 3 2 338
Oak tree leaves, days old, dancing in the spring breeze. Nature preserve, May, 2015 (Please view in Lightbox for best effect.)

1383 photos in total