A Fence for Friday

Friday's Fences

A Fence for Friday

25 Sep 2016 47 40 504
HFF Folks ! Wherever you are, whatever you do ! Send you a lot of good vibrations from Frankfurt ! Have a nice Friday and a great weekend ! Bonjour/Good Morning/Guten Morgen

A Fence for Friday

17 Jun 2016 58 41 537
Good Morning all Ipernians ! Some sun and easy livin' from the grey and rainy Rhein-Main-Area. Have a nice Friday and don't care about the weather. After every rain follows the sun ! I hope, soon !

A Fence for Friday

12 Nov 2016 51 41 473
Hi ! Good Morning ! HFF to all of you ! Thanks for all your views, nice comments and for the faves ! Wish you a great weekend wherever you are whatever you do ! And as usual: a lot of good vibes from Frankfurt.

A Fence for Friday 'round the cold Geysir of Walle…

26 Sep 2016 43 31 543
Good Morning, Ipernians ! I wish you a nice Friday and I'm happy to see you still here. Thanks for visiting my gallery, thanks for the comments and the faves. Have a great day and a wonderful weekend in a good mood. A lot of good wishes and a warm breeze from Frankfurt and me !

A Fence for Friday

29 Sep 2016 55 34 482
HFF, Survivors ! On a bright and clear winter-day I wish you all the Best ! Thanks for your support, your comments and your faves ! Good vibrations from Frankfurt ! Good Morning ! Belle journee ! Guten Morgen !

A Fence for Friday

21 Jan 2017 43 26 482
HFF, everybody ! Still hoping it's not one of the last fences here ! Anyway: have a nice Friday and a great weekend ! Da Bild zeigt den Eingang zum Schloß Naumburg bei Erbstadt in der Wetterau. 1035 zum ersten Mal erwähnt, verfällt das einstmals stolze Gebäude zunehmends, da sich die privaten Besitzer einen Dreck drum kümmern und das Land Hessen sich nicht in der Lage sieht, einzugreifen. Wen's interessiert: es gibt einen kleinen Wiki-Artikel dazu !

A natural Fence for Friday

21 Jan 2017 46 50 437
HFF to all who still stay here. A lot of my friends left until now and for my impression they become more every day. Anyway: I wish you a nice Friday and a great weekend. Good vibes from Frankfurt !

A Fence for Friday

29 Sep 2016 47 35 409
HFF to you ! I hope this won't be the last Fence in Ipernity ! Wish you a nice Friday and a great weekend. Thanks for your support, your views, comments and faves ! Good vibes from Frankfurt ! Ulrich

A Fence for Friday: Heinrich Heine and some Birds…

04 Mar 2017 61 62 505
HFF, Folks ! Have a nice Friday and a great Weekend ! Thanks for all your views, your comments and your faves ! Send you a lot of greetings from sunny Rhein-Main-Area !

A natural Fence for Friday: Hannover - Georgengart…

06 Mar 2017 50 40 524
HFF to everybody ! 50% ! In 3 days ! That's great ! Now let's do the other 50% to save IP ! www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/ipernity-members-association-a-non-profit-entity/x/16237256

From Rome with Love

22 Mar 2017 60 42 587
HFF everybody everywhere ! Have a nice weekend ! Hope I'll see still photos on Ipernity when I come back !

Rom - Colosseum

24 Mar 2017 60 40 523
HFF, Ipernians ! Have a nice Friday and a great weekend !

Rome - The View from Trastevere

25 Mar 2017 59 39 540
HFF everybody everywhere whatever you do whereever you are ! Have a nice Friday ! Ipernity is still alive !

Rome - Trastevere

14 Apr 2017 62 42 603
HFF to all of you ! Many greetings from cold but sunny Rhein-Main-Area. Have a nice day !

Rom - Auditorium Parco della Musica

Rome - Santa Maria Maggiore - Detail

23 Mar 2017 49 37 491
HFF, Ipernians ! Have a nice day whereever you are whatever you do. Send you many greetings from bright and sunny Rhein-Main-Area. And I'm happy to look at many fences in the future ! Ipernity is still alive ! Thanks to all the people of IMA for the great job they've done ! Chapeau !

A Fence for Friday

30 Apr 2017 59 50 464
HFF, everybody ! Send you many greetings from grey and rainy Rhein-Main-Area ! Have a nice Friday and a good Weekend ! The photo shows a reconstruction of the Limes near Limeshain.

368 items in total