Beast of burden


Folder: South Asia
Random photos from different trips and different parts of India. The colours of this amazing country are really kaleidoscopic...and I am a colour addict. Maybe that is why I have been 10 times in India!!!

Beast of burden

07 Mar 2011 363
Decorated camel....used to pull carts

Rajasthan Bikaner Palace

Rajasthan Peacock 7am on fence

08 Mar 2011 1 460
At 7am on roadside fence

India. Bikaner street

08 Mar 2011 6 5 1242
Bovine speed bumps aka holy cows (vaches sacrees)

Tikka powders

23 Feb 2011 29 9 922
Mysore South India

India: Rope-maker

02 Mar 2011 5 1 695
Twisting rope from raw coconut fibres


06 Jul 2011 3 5 520
Interesting sign. Uttaranchal, India, on bank of Ramganga River

Nawalgarh India...running the bulls.

07 Mar 2011 3 1 561
This huge brute came behind me and head butted me aggressively out of its way as I was photographing this wonderful painted building(haveli). Such animals are common wandering the streets of towns in India.

Sati hand Bikaner Fort gate

08 Mar 2011 1 1 1030
Historically, after a maharaja died in Indiia, his widows would throw themselves alive on his funeral pyre. This was known as "sati". On their way to die, they left their handprint at the gates of the palace..

Sati (suttee) wall, Bikaner Fort

08 Mar 2011 4 4 2057
Handprints of widowed ranis (queens) who passed through the gate on their journey to immolate themselves on their husbands' blazing funeral pyres.

The reader

11 Mar 2011 8 5 579
Jaisalmer India. Peacock feather vendor

Nawalgarh shop, Rajasthan

Khur. Indian Wild Ass

14 Mar 2011 2 1020
Only 3800 still exist (equus hemionus khur) of this ancient breed, in the Little Rann of Kutch desert in Gujarat, India.They are endangered, and this is the only gene pool left .

Jain rock temple, Gwalior

19 Jun 2009 2 649
400AD. Madhya Pradesh India

Jain rock temple Gwalior

19 Jun 2009 3 2 580
400AD. Madhya Pradesh India. The figures are around 6 meters tall.

Jain Rock Temples, 400 AD. Gwalior. India

19 Jun 2009 1191
Jain faith diverged from Buddhism around 2000 years ago. Jains eat no living thing; the do not even eat root vegetables, as insects may be harmed when harvesting them. They wear masks so as not to kill insects, and brush the ground in front of them with a broom to avoid walking on them. These very old temples are untouristed, neglected and very beautiful. Their god statues are usually naked.

Jain Rock Temples, 400 AD.Gwalior. India

19 Jun 2009 1739
Jain faith diverged from Buddhism around 2000 years ago. Jains eat no living thing; the do not even eat root vegetables, as insects may be harmed when harvesting them. They wear masks so as not to kill insects, and brush the ground in front of them with a broom to avoid walking on them. These very old temples are almost never seen by tourists, are neglected and very beautiful. Their god statues are usually naked. The tall ones behind are around 8m.

Khajuraho erotic temple carvings

29 Jun 2009 3 6 4772
Madhya Pradesh India. 12th century Hindu temple complex and World Heritage Site. There are around 20 temples, and many are covered with highly erotic carvings. I have chosen a fairly mild one to show here, but there are some very interesting couplings and triplings which I photographed.

48 items in total