
Pakistan 2022

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27 Sep 2022

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304 visits


A Kalash girl in a remote area of hard-to-reach Pakistan, adjacent to the Afghan border. The Kalash are a small ethnic minority (14000 people) who are not Islamic. They follow their own polytheistic religion, and culture, which is under huge pressure from a hardline Islam seeping across the Afghan border. The women and girls wear these colourful dresses all the time, even as school uniforms, together with the eye-catching headdresses. They are loud, open and cheery. Also well educated. We spent several days in their remote valleys of the Hindu Kush mountains with them in an area named Kafiristan. This girl had just come home from school and was playing. Happy Friday, and a wonderful weekend to all.

28 Sep 2022

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210 visits

Kalash children, Kafiristan. Pakistan.

The Kalash are an Indo-Ayrian minority group in Pakistan, living in remote valleys adjacent to the Pakistan border. As non Muslims they come under pressure from extremists who feel these women should be in hijabs and be subservient. They are, in the contrary, confident, boldly dressed in their traditional clothes, and educated. Education is very highly valued. This is a school. Kids have UNICEF bags. The back view of the girls in their daily headgear coming off the field from a game of cricket in school PE lesson. The picture at the bottom is an imposter ( me) at a village ceremony with local friends.

25 Sep 2022

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265 visits


Village river crossing, Phandar Valley. Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. Thank you so much for any visit and or comment…truly appreciated. Wishing you a fantastic Friday, and a weekend filled with cheerful moments and happy photographic opportunities

28 Sep 2022

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227 visits

Kalash woman

An older woman in traditional dress. Kalash Valley …Pakistan/ Kafiristan

26 Sep 2022

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265 visits


River crossing. Chitral, Pakistan. Sending best wishes for a splendid weekend. Keep well, safe and happy. And take photos!

28 Sep 2022

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214 visits

Kalash boy

Kafiristan, Pakistan. I was photographing within a school for Kalash children at the end if a school day. He is wearing his school uniform which is the traditional dress of the Kalash people.

28 Sep 2022

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252 visits


From Kalash Valley, Kafiristan in North West Pakistan, on the Afghan border. This gorgeous girl was our local guide and friend for the days we were there. She is dressed in traditional dress, worn by the women and girls every day. Have a fabulous Friday and an outstanding weekend ❤️ D

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08 Oct 2022

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In the high Pamirs

On the Karakoram Highway in Pakistan ascending to the 4700 meter Khunjerav Pass, the high altitude border with China. The Karakoram Highway is a legendary feat of engineering hacked out of the world’s highest mountains by the Chinese and Pakistanis. Many died in its construction across the roof of the world and it is a real adventure journey along it.

07 Oct 2022

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HFF from the Karakoram Highway

Near Passu in Gojal, far North Pakistan, where a rail/ fence on LHS is a safely feature. The 7000m Passu Cathedrals form a dramatic backdrop over the Hunza River valley in this breathtakingly beautiful area. Have a fab Friday and a safe and happy weekend.
37 items in total