tiabunna's photos

18 Feb 2024

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67 visits

Murrays Coach - by BCI

The Murrays coach on which I returned from Sydney. I asked the driver about it and was told it is a BCI. Since returning home I have found they are a Perth (Australia) company.

15 Feb 2024

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107 visits

Bench and Bin Chickens

Seen in a Sydney park, the birds near the bench are Australian White Ibis , generally known by the more unkind name of "Bin Chickens" because of their scavenging habit in cities. They are found across most of Australia, most commonly in the east. Happy Bench Monday and have a good week,everyone.

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03 Feb 2024

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89 visits

River reflections

The upper Shoalhaven River. From today I shall be heading away until early next week. Best wishes, everyone.

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08 Jan 2016

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83 visits

Through the blizzard

Taken at Mawson Antarctica 58 years ago today, on 13 Feb 1966, an unforgettable day. During the previous night a blizzard brought winds gusting over 100 kt (185 km/hr) which broke the mooring cables of our ship, the "Nella Dan" . Before the winds could blow it onto the rocks across the harbour, the captain ordered the engines to "half ahead" and drove her onto the rocks. As an ice-strengthened ship, the bows were able to take this and the engines kept her in place. This was taken on b/w film as I came off night shift, I also later took a coloured image when the wind and drifting snow eased. FOOTNOTE. The following day the ship backed off the rock bank undamaged.

12 Feb 2024

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103 visits

Macro Mondays - key fob

For Macro Monday (Afternoons) #348 - keyfob / keyring.

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03 Feb 2024

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102 visits

Country cemetery

This shady bench is at a nearby rural cemetery. A stitched panorama, taken from the bench area is in the PiP, showing the entire cemetery which is in two sections with a clear area between. Happy Bench Monday, everyone.

09 Feb 2024

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87 visits

Year of the Dragon

Today (10 Feb) is the first day of the Lunar New Year, this time heading into the Year of the Dragon. That led me to search my archives for images of dragons and this Eastern_bearded_dragon raised its head. These are native to the east coast of Australia. I wish everyone a Happy Year of the Dragon.

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24 Dec 2023

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139 visits

Waterside fence

Looking across Westernport Bay near Phillip Island, not too far from Melbourne. HFF and have a great weekend, everyone.

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16 Jan 2024

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118 visits

Ye Olde Bicycle Shoppe

One of Bundanoon's more interesting buildings (see also PiPs), not for its architecture but for its history. Early on, it was a Post Office, later a grocery, then a tearoom. Finally, in 1949, it became a bicycle shop and laid claim to be the largest bicycle hire outlet in the Southern Hemisphere (people would come by train from Sydney for weekends and hire bicycles). In those days it even had a Penny Fathing bicycle (as in PiP1) mounted on the roof. And now? Well, unlikely as it may seem, the Bicycle Shoppe now houses a very good Thai restaurant! Best viewed large I feel. Happy Wall Wednesday, everyone.
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