Swan and Tugboat


Female Red-Breasted Merganser

16 Apr 2024 6 12 51
River Leven, Dumbarton

Crow on a Yacht

15 Apr 2024 4 4 73
River Leven, Dumbarton

Little Egret Feeding

18 Apr 2024 3 2 40
River Leven, Dumbarton

Carrion Crow

Female Mallard

Little Egret in Flight

Fulmar in Flight

19 Apr 2024 12 10 60
St Andrews Fulmars may look superficially like gulls, but they are not closely related. They are in fact part of a group of birds known as ‘tubenoses’, or ‘petrels’, which includes both giant albatrosses and tiny storm petrels. They are almost gull-like, grey and white seabirds that are related to the albatrosses. They fly low over the sea on stiff wings, with shallow wingbeats. So, while they share some characteristics with gulls, they are a distinct group of birds.


19 Apr 2024 9 10 59
St Andrews Related to the massive albatross, the fulmar is a gull-like bird that nests on rocky cliff edges Quoted from the Wildlife Trusts website

Fulmar in Flight

19 Apr 2024 6 12 50
St Andrews Fulmars superficially resemble gulls, but are readily distinguished by their flight on stiff wings, and their tube noses. They breed on cliffs, laying one or rarely two eggs on a ledge of bare rock or on a grassy cliff. Quoted from Wikipedia

Carrion Crow

16 May 2024 4 2 36
River Leven, Dumbarton Quay

The Cross and the Crow

15 May 2024 3 2 30
St Serf's Church, Levengrove Park, Dumbarton

119 items in total