Coffee 1/50

Year of the Rat

Folder: Yearly albums

Just another S-curve

29 Feb 2020 1 128
Thank you for a visit! =) Nice that you found your way here. Notice the map view. That road surely does not look very curvy on the map! =O Enjoy some coffee and smooth jazz hiphop as a reward .

... some colors ...

09 Mar 2020 28 20 255
"On demand" abstract for Bilderdomino . Made with Snapseed and Glitch Lab. Subject(s): Pill dispensers, cap of Salazopyrin vial, and package of pocket tissues. Long exposure, and camera shaken, not stirred.

Warehouse #1

10 Mar 2020 10 2 166
An old B&W print of mine, hanging on my office wall.

Piece missing

10 Mar 2020 9 8 221
At Bilderdomino group and game there can be "broken links" and some "pieces" missing in the past. There can be various reasons for that: 1) Member has left the group and/or ipernity, and the group contributions have become removed as well. 2) Member has decided to "reuse" the image later on. 3) Member have had 'Club' subscription earlier, which has then expired and turned to 'Guest' account limited to 100 images. Therefore some older contributions have "disappeared". 4) Member has removed the image deliberately for various reasons. For example member has decided to remove image that may infringe copyright (e.g. image of lit Eiffel tower). There can be also some personal reason. For example some of us seem to have a habit to keep the total number of images within certain limits, and that is totally okay. At Bilderdomino we accept all these, and we just have to let them go. Besides, many of us does not often "look back" anyway. The game in the past stays within the past. So, keep on playing and have fun! =) P.S. In my opinion image of any board game is okay to continue from this. But do remember the Wikimedia Commons recommendation for board games ;-) P.P.S. Or continue with any other image that you find as matching. But please see this comment of mine on the group discussions.
15 Mar 2020 25 26 265
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge #425: Crushed ♬ Wavedust by Chrypton (David C) on SoundCloud
18 Mar 2020 12 11 246
Changing the bathroom fluorescent light shade after 2-3 decades. Guess which one is new... =,D
19 Mar 2020 20 7 193
This time of the year always feels long and gray... Spring lingers usually until May, and then it's over in a week or two.
19 Mar 2020 26 38 282
Louis Kuhne: The New Science of Healing I have this old book in my collections. Supposedly it is old enough to be freed from copyright. Louis Kuhne died over hundred years ago. Anna Kurimo , who made the translation for this Finnish edition, died over 80 years ago. Copyright protection generally lasts for 70 years after the death of the author. The book is mostly about hydrotherapy , but obviously hydrotherapy is nowadays seen as alternative or pseudo medicine . English Wikipedia article mentions only Kuhne's cold water baths, but in the book there is also mentioned "steam baths" taken under blanket, using the steams of boiled water. The funny thing is that in Finland we have had similar heat treatment used for centuries, and it is called as sauna . And to go swimming from sauna into rather chilly lakes and sea has always been a common thing around here as well. Moreover, since 1980s it has even become popular to combine sauna with winter swimming . What comes to winter swimming, the recommendation is to start with it, before going to sauna. So, first slowly and gently go into ice cold water for few minutes. Then go to the steamy sauna, again slowly and gently. Winter swimming has it's risks , but it also has multiple benefits . Swimming in very cold water may lessen stress and fatigue, and give more vigor. It is also reported to improve memory functions, give better mood, and make one to feel more energetic, active and brisk. People who suffer from rheumatism, fibromyalgia or asthma have reported that winter swimming relieves pain. Sauna also has it's pros and cons . Sauna bathing may reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death, cardiovascular disease, and the risk of high blood pressure. In addition, it is associated with a decreased risk of pneumonia and may temporarily relieve symptoms of the common cold. It is even discovered to reduce risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. However, it has been pointed out that many of the positive health effects reported with sauna usage, in particular its cardiovascular benefits, are associative and may be non-causal. But one should be reasonable . I personally prefer to keep the temperature in the sauna as rather "moderate" (~+60℃), and throw plenty of water on hot stones to get steamy heat. And although I have tried winter swimming few times, I rather enjoy swimming in "lukewarm" water (>+15℃). Finnish sauna culture has it's meditative aspect, which definitely does not include eroticism. Although we indeed do go into sauna fully naked, together with both sexes and with all family members, it is done almost in a spiritual manner. We enjoy the sauna and swimming in a harmony with the surrounding nature. Every Finn has at least used to dream having one's own cottage and sauna, close to a lake or sea. And that package often comes with beautiful landscapes like seen on my ipernity friend Wertti's pictures . References Kuhne, L. (1890). Die neue Heilwissenschaft oder, Die Lehre von der Einheit aller Krankheiten und deren darauf begru ndete einheitliche, arzneilose und operationslose Heilung . Leipzig: Verlag der Neuen Heilkunst. Available online: Kuhne, L. (1901). The new science of healing or the doctrine of the unity of diseases : forming the basis of a uniform method of cure, without drugs and without operations : an instructor and advisor for the healthy and sick. . Kuhne, L., & Kurimo, A. (1910). Uusi lääketiede eli oppi tautien yhtenäisyydestä ja niiden siihen perustuvasta parantamisesta ilman lääkkeitä ja leikkauksia: Oppikirja ja neuvonantaja terveille ja sairaille . Hämeenlinna: Karisto.

Winter morning

04 Apr 2020 39 42 293
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge #428: Implied triangular composition ♫ Nicotine by Melorman on SoundCloud

Mr Nobody going out for a walk

Three chicks

12 Apr 2020 24 30 217
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge #429 Three(s) Please see the note for the context.

Mr Nobody...

23 Apr 2020 49 46 340
... investigates the saturation of the green pavement astroturfing .
26 Apr 2020 32 38 221
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge #431: Enjoy the little things

113 items in total