Lossiemouth 2014 1


Folder: Natur
Lossiemouth is a town in Moray, Scotland. Originally the port belonging to Elgin, it became an important fishing town. Although there has been over a 1,000 years of settlement in the area, the present day town was formed over the past 250 years and consists of four separate communities that eventually merged into one. From 1890 - 1975 it was a police burgh as Lossiemouth and Branderburgh.

Stotfie…  (read more)

08 Aug 2014

183 visits

Lossiemouth 2014 1

08 Aug 2014

247 visits

Lossiemouth 2014 2

08 Aug 2014

173 visits

Lossiemouth 2014 3

08 Aug 2014

223 visits

Lossiemouth 2014 4

08 Aug 2014

176 visits

Lossiemouth 2014 5

08 Aug 2014

194 visits

Lossiemouth 2014 6

08 Aug 2014

182 visits

Lossiemouth 2014 7

08 Aug 2014

159 visits

Lossiemouth 2014 8

08 Aug 2014

220 visits

Lossiemouth 2014 9

14 items in total