Ludlow, Shropshire.

Herefordshire & Shropshire ~ Dec 2017

11 Dec 2017

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501 visits

Ludlow, Shropshire.

09 Dec 2017

14 favorites


446 visits

West End Farm ~ Pembridge

Pembridge, is a pretty village in Herefordshire, it is thrice blessed for it stands in a trio of black and white villages famed for an abundance of quaint cottages and graceful houses. The village is centred around a triangular Market Place. Said to be early 16th century, the Market House has eight large posts with the ground stage being open. The village inn which occupies one side of the market place was newly built in the 17th century but is believed to have originated in 1311.. This slightly sloping village on the valley of the River Arrow and as a result most of the streets have raised pavements, and the village church, on an eminence, dominates this typical English landscape. (Taken from Pictures of England).

09 Dec 2017

18 favorites


460 visits

Market Place ~ Pembridge

Pembridge, is a pretty village in Herefordshire, it is thrice blessed for it stands in a trio of black and white villages famed for an abundance of quaint cottages and graceful houses. The village is centred around a triangular Market Place. Said to be early 16th century, the Market House has eight large posts with the ground stage being open. The village inn which occupies one side of the market place was newly built in the 17th century but is believed to have originated in 1311.. This slightly sloping village on the valley of the River Arrow and as a result most of the streets have raised pavements, and the village church, on an eminence, dominates this typical English landscape. (Taken from Pictures of England). The building is a pub called The New Inn.

09 Dec 2017

16 favorites


420 visits

Ye Olde Steppes ~ Pembridge

....and ye not so olde cars! Vintage tearooms set within a 500 year old black and white building in Pembridge. A traditional 1950’s styled licenced tearoom offering a wide range of loose-leaf teas, locally roasted gourmet coffee, home-made cakes and delicious lunches.

09 Dec 2017

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469 visits

Baker's Cocoa anyone!

The label reads: Baker's Cocoa is particularly adapted for elderley people, as it contains considerable fatty matter, more than one quarter, yet is easily digested and is pure and delicious!! Made in Dorchester, Mass. USA. The PiP is the Antique Shop in Leominster where the main picture was taken.

09 Dec 2017

12 favorites


417 visits

Pembridge ~ West End Farm

West End Farm House.

09 Dec 2017

6 favorites


490 visits

Brick House, Pembridge.

Named Brick House, it is adjoining West End Farmhouse.

11 Dec 2017

16 favorites


411 visits

Ludlow, Shropshire.

Also PiP snow man and snow dog. The notice reads ~ "Wake me up when it's over, thanks, Pete. PS. Don't nick the chair. Please give it back to Andrew Francis Butchers. Thanks, Merry Christmas." :-)

11 Dec 2017

9 favorites


502 visits

The Charlton Arms ~ Ludford

This and the next picture was taken from the car on our way home from Ludlow. Taken around 2.45pm.
22 items in total