Peggy C's favorite photos

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By Peggy C

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Through ..

the glass .. inside reflections .. outside reflections .. following the Season of Change .. Autumn / Fall .. taken in the North Carolina Mountains .. The Northwest Trading Post .. searched for Pam J in the reflections .. couldn't spot her .. (c) All Rights Reserved

By Peggy C

9 favorites

.. rain must fall

if one expects sunshine for a garden to grow.. “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” -Audrey Hepburn © All Rights Reserved --EXPLORE--

By Peggy C

25 favorites

A Good Day -

The Common Buckeye is Pam Johnson's favorite butterfly - So, this is for her ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the latest update from Jay: "Pam is awake! I went in at 9am and she was awake. I told her everyone missed her and such. I told her I mowed the lawn and she raised her brow. "Then she wanted to talk and could not because of the tube. That's when she went into a panic attack and they had to sedate her. So, I got 3 minutes with her. "After the staff reported that she had been awake earlier in the morning, the head doctor decided it was time to remove the tube. That will probably happen today." Please post this wherever you like, it is the version Jay expects to be published. - received from Marty [San Francisco Gal-Pal of Pam Johnson] 09/18/2018 [ no idea which time zone this one is as Marty is in Kansas now and Jay is in Oklahoma ] Archive Airings AA-264 - ** ABOUT ** -- EXPLORE --

By Peggy C

7 favorites

Inspiration - for Poetography Group

For me: Inspiration is an energy - an 'ah ha' moment. There are more kinds of inspirations than the days, weeks or years can hold - we all find our own .. unique to who we are .. what is inside us .. my inspiration won't be yours or yours or even yours. Unique like my fingerprints - it is only what I can see with any of my senses or with them all. But, I shall always keep my eyes open - always look up - always look down - I don't want to miss a moment ! Peggy C © All Rights Reserved ' The Show ' at Sunset - Holmes Beach, Anna Maria Island, Florida US - Taken: 25Aug2007 - Archives from Florida - © All rights reserved

By Peggy C

26 favorites

A good year ..

- for Stained Glass Wings - while many areas in North Carolina have higher counts of Monarchs - this is the first year we have had them in double digits - just being able to see them and share them with you - is an honor Monarch (Danaus plexippus) - male - on False Sunflowers -- seeds from Pam J © All Rights Reserved - 1 PiP - .. EXPLORE ..

By Peggy C

14 favorites

Glorious Day ..

- to send this creation to Pam J - Common Buckeyes are her favorite butterfly - the Swallowtail nectaring on the Buddleja is a bonus - framed with soft wishes/thoughts/love/energies - for your healing - day by day - step by step - we are all with you - from Australia to Alaska to Alabama and all points in between - healing energies of this World are sent -- EXPLORE --

By Peggy C

15 favorites

Singing for Pam -

UpDate - 9-19-2018 Here's the latest update on Pam from Jay: "The breathing tube has been removed. Pam is still getting a little oxygen through her nose tubes. The drainage tube in her cranium has been removed and the hole has been sealed shut. She still has a food tube, but when she can demonstrate that she can eat and swallow, that will be removed as well. She was very groggy this morning, but responsive to instructions. The PT folks showed up and put her through a minor workout. They had her hold a wash cloth in her hand and wipe her face. She is trying to speak, but not there yet. She also managed to move her left foot a little when instructed. "Doctor says they will keep her in ICU another day or so and then transfer her to a non-ICU room. Depending on progress, she will eventually go to a rehab facility."

By Peggy C

13 favorites

Dentzel Carousel Menagerie ..

Pam's favorite and the one she rode numerous times is the Dappled Grey [ that I put her name on ] just above Pam's note - . Visiting the Carousel, Pam tapped into her Inner-Child who rode and rode and rode - Except when she took a break for photos or more ride tickets - At one point, the gentleman who was running the Carousel told her she didn't need any more tickets - "Ride as many times as you wish.." And Pam did - The highlight of this visit ? That I can't say - But it certainly was close to the top ! - 1 note by Pam - 1 note showing where pam J is - On the Dappled Grey, her name has been added .. just as when I sent her a mouse-pad with this photo and her name on the banner of red .. © All Rights Reserved

By Peggy C

22 favorites

False Sunflower -

"Love and healing energies for Pam. " - words from ROL/Photo - The False Sunflower is from a seed gifted to me by Pam J on one of her visits to North Carolina US all the way from Oklahoma ! - We met at the Raleigh/Durham airport [ RDU ] - There are no words to describe how it felt to meet her and share so many thoughts/ideas/recipes - Yes, she took over the cooking "after all, I'm a guest here" - The second time she came - She was informed she was not a guest - Family - Period - And then we went wandering to Saxapahaw - A very small town down the road - With micritter - He lives 'down the road from me' - I could write a book about our adventures, but it would be considered 'fiction' - Except by the three of us who KNOW it happened Get well, My Friend -- heal - we will wait, but we send you healing energies and prayers - Your SAB SAB=Switched At Birth or Separated At Birth -- just because the Atlantic Ocean is in between our countries - just because we were born in different years/months - doesn't matter - we Are Sisters in our Hearts - 1 PiP - EXPLORE
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