shadows and sun ..


Folder: Florida
Lady Cloris Gracia Gloria Terpsichore ..

I am the Goddess of Flowers, Grace, Glory & the Muse of Dancing Pink Petals .. But, you can call me "Gracie" - © All rights reserved

- Gracie resides in Florida US

08 Mar 2013

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261 visits

shadows and sun ..

- on petals of linen - Seminole Pink Hibiscus - cropped - signed - no enhancement © All Rights Reserved

08 Jan 2013

251 visits

Shades of Green . .

- midst the pink Seminole Hibiscus - Azaleas of fuschia - Bleeding Hearts (leaning across from D's yard) - a few petals of the Pinwheel Jasmine - Kalanchoe, green and also with a touch of color - hanging like unlit lanterns - brown cones - long slender ones are male of the Coontie Plant - member of the Cycad family - dinosauers/ancient one native to Florida - top left corner & bottom right .. think those are female cones - if so, they will have orange seeds in them - a toxic plant, it has been used by the Seminole Tribe for food - a long involved process to get starch from the root .. making flour - this plant is the only one I know of that the rare Atala Butterfly feeds on - so, one should plant quite a few - the larvae can strip the leaves quickly framing of the collage/crop/signature: © All Rights Reserved

04 Jan 2013

198 visits

Seeking . . 'Raindrops' ....

- being no sun to fall on me - Liquid Sunshine shall gently caress my petals of linen - Seminole Pink Hibiscus - aka Gracie 'A Lyrical Connection - 'Raindrops' by Dee Clark Oh, raindrops So many raindrops It feels like raindrops Falling from my eye-eyes Falling from my eyes edited in: [used Free Features only] © All Rights Reserved

22 Dec 2012

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224 visits

.. The Goddess of Flowers

Lady Cloris Gracia Gloria Terpsichore .. Grace and Glory .. Muse of Dancing Pink Petals .. But, you can call me "Gracie" - edited in: * Seminole Pink Hibiscus .. regal with petals of linen * she is about the size of my hand * sharing her glory with us * you, my Friends, named her * that's what Friends do * Gracie is blooming .. again .. * in time for her closeup * for the New Year * 2013 * may you all find what you are seeking * may your days be long * the hours bright * may we all * Live * Laugh * Love * all the days on this Big Blue Ball * taking photos of our Earth * sharing our corner of this World * with each other Thank you all for a wonderful-exciting-funny-thoughtful- and sometimes a bit sad 2012 .. but it is what it is. May we all be better & make our Home better by being here~ Namaste, Sheeba / Peggy C © All rights reserved

09 Dec 2012

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150 visits

Ready ...

- for my close up - Gracie sends color - to my Friends - in need of a bit - so, enjoy her gift - she will be back - many buds on her shrub ! © All Rights Reserved

21 Apr 2012

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185 visits

Well ..

- thought I'd try on some new clothes - Seminole pink Hibiscus - Gracie - found - had a blast in there - so many choices - pick this one ? - but what about that - decisions - decisions - hope you enjoy - she certainly did ! © All rights reserved

25 Nov 2011

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189 visits

Solace ...

for the moment .. Gracie, Seminole pink Hibiscus .. blooming .. convinced she is doing this just for me .. this Pink Portrait taken by .. Canon PowerShot A630 .. the SX20 IS is on the fritz .. again ! same thing .. "lens error - turn camera off and restart" .. yes, have called Canon Customer Service .. the camera needs to be sent back to be fixed .. again ! same problem that was supposedly fixed last year .. that was under warranty .. this time - nope .. even the extended warranty is gone .. frustrated .. oh yes ... am I ever .. Cust. Svc. was polite .. follow-up emails - also helpful and polite .. still have to mail the SX to them ... that just ticks me off .. flat out asked them " is this a defect; a problem in manufacturing; will this be a yearly situation?" .. nobody touched that .. still thinking .. might go down the road to a well-established camera shop .. have them take a look .. got to pay for it anyhow .. okay .. have gone on long enough .. even looking at DSLR .. must be nuts to even think on those lines .. sigh - cropped-signed-framed .. © All rights reserved taken with: Canon PowerShot A630

12 Nov 2011

243 visits

- link from 'pink lemonade' flower to Seminole pink Hibiscus

Blue Sky Above ~ High Flight "Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there, I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . . Up, up the long, delirious burning blue I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace Where never lark, or ever eagle flew — And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God." John Gillespie Magee, Jr 1922 - 1941 - more information on the author of this poem - (photo by Peggy C) © All rights reserved

23 Jul 2011

101 visits

Oh, my Deah ..

-the heat just takes its toll -on my petals on pink linen -what is a gal to do -Mint Julep, please ? © All rights reserved
38 items in total