Softly doth it set ..


Photos taken or posted in this Year we all need --- the quote under the photo of the Cardinal [ taken by my daughter on a visit from Montana ]-with her cell phone - through two panes of glass windows --

".. never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a Memory .."

oh, how true for us all and heart-tugging for many of us.
We must do what we can in Memory of those We Have Lost..
Peggy C

* …  (read more)

18 Apr 2021

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214 visits

Looking Up ..

Northern Mockingbird on a rooftop next door .. No singing .. Observant ..

18 Apr 2021

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193 visits

Warning ..

House Finch [m] looks as though he is singing - No .. warning me that I have entered 'his space' - This Dogwood is his favorite spot to let me know - At times, he will sing beautifully - Not this time - There are at least 3 recently hatched 'kids' nearby - I'm not allowed visitation - Period ! 1 PiP

17 Apr 2021

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207 visits


Got there in plenty of time - Just in case it was crowded - Fewer people this time than the 1st shot-time - But all flowed smoothly - Glad it is done, but everyone was so courteous - But, most folks around here are that way - Made this 'sticker' thing after some of my Florida friends "we didn't get them" - Sent to them - And sharing with my Friends here - Understand we may have different opinions on this - But, being happy is something I had to SHARE ~ By the way - had no reactions other than a sore arm [ not as sore as a Tetanus shot, though ]

13 Apr 2021

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192 visits

Spring White ..

.. leaves are starting to replace the white bracts .. so I'll enjoy now !

06 Apr 2021

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184 visits

How to garden ..

Go out .. Greet the plants .. I just say 'Good Morning' or whatever time of day it is .. Then .. "Grow" .. "Bloom".. That's it ! Basic .. Simple.. Yes -- do thank them .. can't take them for granted ... Have a superb day/evening wherever you are My Friends ! EXPLORE / GALLERY

06 Apr 2021

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175 visits

For Andy ..

Bracts of a White Dogwood .. the flowers are in the center - small green ones when open .. The flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) and its inflorescence are the state tree and the state flower respectively for the U.S. Commonwealth of Virginia. It is also the state tree of Missouri and the state flower of North Carolina, 1 PiP

06 Apr 2021

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203 visits

.. almost

.. time to go out and weed those 'fern-looking- things .. they are leaves of Yarrow plants .. get tall and gangly looking .. self-seeding and look quite out of place .. if I don't pull some out while they are still in the 'fern-looking' stage .. will wait until it warms up a bit .. then will do. Oh, the flowers are Creeping Phlox

01 Apr 2021

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206 visits

.. Nature

"The world is full of magic .. Above us .. At our feet or next to us. Absorb it all." Words and Photo by Peggy C - 2021 Down The Road -NotMyGarden Sent to 'Pictures for Andy' for healing

28 Mar 2021

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209 visits

Sisters Daff ..

with Wild Violets in the background .. It has been a great Bloomin' Season .. So Far ! Another Link in the Chain -- from orange flower to yellow
74 items in total