Tattered and faded American Lady butterfly still beautiful and with a Skipper friend !

One Photo~Two or more Critters !

Tattered and faded American Lady butterfly still b…

Spotted Cucumber Beetle and a Fly !

Common Checkered Skipper ( Pyrgus communis) & a Fl…

Weary Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis) butt…

Common Checkered Skipper ( Pyrgus communis) and 2…

A Fiery Skipper, a Fly & a blurred Common Checkere…

A pair of mating Leaf Footed bugs sadly that means…

23 Oct 2013 1 4 434
The Cucumber Beetle was clearly embarrassed !

A pair of mating Leaf Footed bugs & a Cucumber Bug…

Three Cucumber Beetles !

23 Oct 2013 3 2 401
Three of a kind For "Another Link In The Chain" Group

Having an old friend over for dinner... with fava…

30 Oct 2013 12 21 577
Leaf Foot Bug with dinner-a Shield Bug

Fiery Skipper & Carpenter Bee & Honey Bee on Buddl…

01 Oct 2014 31 49 1047
Photo taken in North Carolina at PeggyC's house where I am visiting from Oklahoma ! EXPLORED !

Today... we were given a few hours peace ... Cloud…

21 May 2015 49 57 964
We had a violent 60mph wind and torrential rain on Tuesday and rain wrapped tornados. We lost a 60 foot Cottonwood. and part of a Black Walnut and other stuff and the flooding is bad. We have more storms coming tomorrow and through the weekend. The pond is topping .... this is getting old. Yesterday we worked for 10 hours clearing downed trees and today we burned a HUGE pile of debris. This beauty was my reward . EXPLORED !

Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)(f) 26-9-2015…

26 Sep 2015 64 81 1258
A beautiful female in excellent condition. She fed for about 3 hours The two Skippers were a bonus for the photo ! EXPLORED !

Phaon Crescent Butterflies (Phyciodes phaon) on Fa…

06 Jun 2015 50 54 971
Suddenly a little cloud of about 6-8 of these appeared yesterday afternoon and are courting and mating. They have stayed around today and I have been able to get some photos and videos EXPLORED !

Green June Beetle (Cotinus nitida)

25 Jul 2014 25 36 713
This year the "plentiful" insect has been these Green June Beetles ! These three started a a bunch of maybe 10 surrounding the female and rolling at speed around on the ground under the Photonia (they seem to like that !) It was just a blur ! Finally these three sayed still long enough to play at Just Good Friends ! EXPLORED !

Blue-fronted Dancer's (Argia apicalis) (m)Damselfl…

21 Aug 2015 43 62 786
The pond is now greatly reduced. No longer flooded and nearly 10 feet deep.. but closer now to 3.5 feet deep. The Dragonflies and Damselflies are still here . EXPLORED !