She's late I will wait

The Demon Squirrels !

She's late I will wait

29 Jul 2013 3 308
You just can't count on prompt service from humans ! Two further photos at Top right !

Still waiting

29 Jul 2013 2 308
**Taps paws**

I hear her !

29 Jul 2013 3 3 292
YES !! She's coming with more food !

Then he sat and had breakfast !

Then he sat and had breakfast !

For the first time he didnt run away but stayed hi…

For the first time he didnt run away but stayed hi…

For the first time he didnt run away but stayed hi…

20 Jul 2013 2 3 353
We have a responsibility ...... "Only in the last moment of human history has the delusion arisen that people can flourish apart from the rest of the living world." E.O. Wilson "Responsibility" for the Poetography Group

Some days are just like that Squirrel !

18 Jul 2013 7 7 406
He was just laying there in the crook of the tree. He was hot and tired and simply turned his back on the world. Some days are like that.

Squirrel- Baby its too darn hot !

05 Jul 2013 7 7 399
"Pip" of the new bunch.....

Quite ~ Lazy Saturday

First time I have been able to catch a squirrel us…

Squirrel in the Box !

Albert daydreaming

A little Squirrel I know well all tucked into the…

Sqwirl from a different angle !

Burt Squirrel (Ginger's son)

Ahoy Shipmates !

46 items in total