neki desu's photos

25 Nov 2019

56 visits

25 Nov 2019

54 visits

25 Nov 2019

53 visits

25 Nov 2019

53 visits

12 Jul 2019

78 visits

12 Jul 2019

1 favorite

81 visits

Silk sample

11 Jul 2019

1 favorite

70 visits

Fine merino

Knitting sample

27 Apr 2018

1 favorite

107 visits


there are various sets of fountains representing the present Heisei emperor and the future one. every half hour one of the sets comes alive with a water show.

27 Apr 2018

128 visits


there are various sets of fountains representing the present Heisei emperor and the future one. every half hour one of the sets comes alive with a water show.
100 photos in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.