WPPD 2012

Le monde en monochrome

WPPD 2012

29 Apr 2012 16 8 195
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2012 ----- path leading to the Royal Springs at the Kozienicka Forest (central Poland) - a traditional hunting site of Polish kings ----- Pinhole 0.2 mm + Ilford FP4+ + Kodak D-76(1+1)


28 Apr 2018 23 10 219
Friday me ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B) (taken on Saturday)

Genesis 41:27

19 Aug 2022 22 22 218
World Photography Day 2022 It was one of the hottest days this year. It still is: 32°C / 90°F at 10 pm. I think that I already long for winter. And as we are told to expect some shortages of natural gas in December or so (no need to explain why) I already have one of my garages almost full of wood ready to be put in my fireplace and stove when need arises. This is a sample of what is still waiting to be chopped and stashed in my basement maybe. One of these days, when it gets colder. For now it is just something to shoot on the World Photography Day (in lack of more interesting objects). ----- Samsung NX10 and Silver Efex Pro 2

The Girl Who Acted Right

28 Aug 2022 17 24 170
On August 28, 1946 the communist authorities (ruling Poland occupied by Soviets since 1945) murdered this 17 year old girl whose crime was being a medical orderly in the anti-communist underground. Her name was Danuta Siedzikówna, nickname Inka . She was captured in July 1946. While in prison she was beaten and tortured but refused to give up any information about her contacts in the anti-communist underground and their meeting points. She was sentenced to death after a "trial" that lasted two hours only. In her last secret letter smuggled out of the prison she wrote: "Please tell my grandmother, that I have acted right" . Six days before her 18th birthday she was tied to a wooden stake in the basement of the prison. She refused a blindfold. Members of the firing squad didn't want to kill her. All of them missed on purpose, only grazing her body with several bullets. It was the firing squad leader who eventually killed her with a handgun. Her last words were "Niech żyje Polska!" ( Long live Poland! ) and "Niech żyje Łupaszka" (her commanding officer). Her body was not returned to her Grandma. Inka was buried clandestinely and unrespectfully by the authorities. Her remains were eventually found and DNA-confirmed in 2014/2015. Please read more about her: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danuta_Siedzikówna (her parents were war heroes too). I took this photo at a concert dedicated to our indomitable soldiers in early 2013. www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7FjtfTs9pE www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Podziemna+Armia+powraca


20 Apr 2020 18 12 245
----- WZFO Start + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110(Dil.B) Euktar lens (triplet anastigmat)

Polish Thermopylae

08 Sep 2012 10 5 263
Przechodniu, powiedz Ojczyźnie, żeśmy walczyli do końca, spełniając swój obowiązek Passerby, tell the Motherland that we fought to the end, fulfilling our duty The Battle of Wizna was fought between September 7 and September 10, 1939, between the forces of Poland and Germany during the initial stages of the invasion of Poland, which marked the beginning of the Second World War in Europe. (...) 720 Poles defended a fortified line for three days against more than 40,000 Germans (...) Captain Władysław Raginis, the commanding officer of the Polish force, swore to hold his position as long as he was alive. When the last two shelters under his command ran out of ammunition, he ordered his men to surrender their arms and committed suicide by putting a grenade between his chin and neck. (...) Out of 720 Polish soldiers only approximately 70 survived. Captain Raginis ordered his second-in-command, Lieutenant Stanisław Brykalski to leave the shelter and surrender but Lieutenant Brykalski (for the first and the last time in his lifetime) declined, stayed with Captain Raginis and shared his fate/demise. ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak D-76(1+1)


24 Mar 2019 22 11 325
my Sunday silence ----- Mamiya RB67 + Sekor C 90mm f/3.8 + Ilford Delta 100 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)

1915 items in total