Hilke Kurzke's photos

Bic 25 start - Copy

20 Oct 2017 440
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 01 - Copy

20 Oct 2017 311
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 28 - Copy

20 Oct 2017 289
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 27 - Copy

20 Oct 2017 281
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 14 arches - Copy

20 Oct 2017 293
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 13 even more swirls - Copy

20 Oct 2017 413
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 12 angled lines - Copy

20 Oct 2017 277
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 11 waves - Copy

20 Oct 2017 424
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 10 more swirls - Copy

20 Oct 2017 305
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 09 triangles - Copy

20 Oct 2017 292
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 08 - Copy

20 Oct 2017 296
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 07 alphabet - Copy

20 Oct 2017 283
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 06 negative space - Copy

20 Oct 2017 277
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 05 swirls - Copy

20 Oct 2017 285
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 04 dots and swirls - Copy

20 Oct 2017 305
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 03 dots - Copy

20 Oct 2017 276
Bic by H. Kurzke

Bic 02 the end - Copy

20 Oct 2017 272
Bic by H. Kurzke

Match, Nail, Stone

03 Oct 2017 2 242
More business cards. - I was planning to do something else, but then I found this sample wood block and thought I'd try some wood engraving. This is the result. The block is 3.5cm square.

82 photos in total

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