Whitstable Sunset


Photos taken in the English county of Kent, in which I live.

25 May 2013

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404 visits

Whitstable Sunset

Sunsets are a bit clichéd, I know, but I happen to live in one of the best places in the world (in my opinion!) for sunsets, so you'll have to forgive me for posting them every so often :)

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23 May 2012

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344 visits

Expired Hazy Sunset

From the same night I had a different fault with a different film and a different camera. I guess I was just not destined to get a great shot that night! This is just old, expired film - sometimes you get nice old-fashioned colours. Sometimes it just goes wrong...

13 Mar 2007

286 visits

Sea of Glass (mono)

Maybe I prefer the monochrome version.. although the highlights are a bit blown out - almost impossible not to do that here. Colour version is here .

13 Mar 2007

254 visits

Low Key Surf

13 Mar 2007

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1 comment

415 visits

Groyne Bolt 4

06 Apr 2013

298 visits

Street Scene

Very nice to see the sun again - it's been a while...

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08 Apr 2012

305 visits

Dane John Gardens

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23 Mar 2012

1 favorite

239 visits

Sheppey Bridges

25 Apr 2011

1 favorite

276 visits

Dungeness Boat and Net

27 items in total