Keith Burton's photos

Crawley Street Art

30 Apr 2024 30 32 84
I found this beautiful piece of street art on a wall in a shopping centre in Crawley, West Sussex. The name of the artist can be clearly seen in the bottom right hand corner. Here is his website if you're interested:

Bluebells and Bracken

23 Apr 2024 23 30 80
Taken on a recent woodland walk with my camera. Have an enjoyable Sunday!

Apple Blossom

18 Apr 2024 20 22 74
Taken in my garden. Have a good weekend everyone..!!

Wind Farm with Sailing Boat

22 Apr 2024 26 38 76
Captured from Worthing Beach, West Sussex. Taken in 16:9 format, so best viewed large.

St Nicholas and St Peter

26 Apr 2024 24 33 76
Immortalised for ever in these beautiful stained glass windows, set into the wall of the cloisters around Chichester Cathedral, West Sussex. Best view large if you have time. Thanks for looking.


23 Apr 2024 27 34 87
Spotted this ivy on a tree during a woodland walk with my camera.

Worthing Beach, West Sussex

22 Apr 2024 21 32 74
A view along Worthing Beach to the Lido, taken from Worthing Pier. Shot in 16:9 format, so probably better viewed large.

A Beastly Door Knocker

26 Apr 2024 23 42 72
Spotted on a door in Chichester, West Sussex.


26 Apr 2024 23 30 82
A Jackdaw looking for food at the side of the road. Jackdaws are the smallest member of the crow family (collectively known as corvids), which also includes ravens, crows, rooks, jays and magpies.


23 Apr 2024 22 38 82
I found these beautiful shapes made by the growing bracken during a recent woodland walk and thought they would make a nice collage. My thanks to everyone who has visited my photo stream lately, especially to those who have left a star or a comment. Always appreciated :-)) Have a good weekend..!!

A Cluster of Baby Spiders

24 Apr 2024 26 37 94
My wife spotted these on Wednesday evening clustered on the vertical side of our garden waste wheely-bin. I quickly grabbed my macro gear and got a few shots. If you view this one large, you'll see that they're held against the bin by a fine web which stops them from falling off. It must be stronger than it looks because they are still there today. I'm really surprised the birds haven't found them yet..!!

Pine Cones

23 Apr 2024 22 27 79
I found these on the ground during a recent woodland walk and took them home to photograph them.

Bluebell Woods (+ 2 PiPs)

23 Apr 2024 25 36 89
A successful hunt for Bluebells yesterday morning. I didn't see anyone around and it was lovely and peaceful. Two more shots in the PiPs if you are interested. Thanks for looking!

Worthing, West Sussex

22 Apr 2024 24 25 72
A view of Worthing Pier, West Sussex. Travelled there yesterday in the hope of getting some photos on the seafront while my wife wandered around the shops. When we left home it was bright and sunny, but on arrival.................the sun had disappeared and it stayed cloudy the rest of the day, but at least it stayed dry! Shot in 16:9 format, so best viewed large. You may just be able to see the wind farm on the horizon.

Herb Rosemary

07 Apr 2024 27 31 80
Growing in my garden. Have a good new week everyone :-)

Low Tide

06 Mar 2024 24 32 82
Taken at Langstone Harbour, Havant. The wreck has probably been there for a century. Its history is unknown, but is it is likely to be the remains of a cargo vessel that would have transported milled goods from the Old Mill, which is just out of shot on the left.


12 Apr 2024 21 30 77
Taken from the beach in Exmouth, Devon.


07 Apr 2024 24 28 84
Taken in my garden.

7224 photos in total