There can be only one!

Flowers, Plants,Trees, Seeds and Fungi Etc.


30 Mar 2024 25 36 70
I found this growing in our local cemetery.

Small White Butterfly (Pieris Rapae)

07 Apr 2024 27 42 98
Captured in my garden amongst the Forget-me-not flowers. The first butterfly of the year for me! This will be my last post for a while as we're off to visit family in the West Country tomorrow. Take care and have a good week!


07 Apr 2024 24 28 81
Taken in my garden.

Herb Rosemary

07 Apr 2024 27 31 80
Growing in my garden. Have a good new week everyone :-)

Bluebell Woods (+ 2 PiPs)

23 Apr 2024 25 36 89
A successful hunt for Bluebells yesterday morning. I didn't see anyone around and it was lovely and peaceful. Two more shots in the PiPs if you are interested. Thanks for looking!

Pine Cones

23 Apr 2024 22 27 78
I found these on the ground during a recent woodland walk and took them home to photograph them.


23 Apr 2024 22 38 81
I found these beautiful shapes made by the growing bracken during a recent woodland walk and thought they would make a nice collage. My thanks to everyone who has visited my photo stream lately, especially to those who have left a star or a comment. Always appreciated :-)) Have a good weekend..!!


23 Apr 2024 27 34 86
Spotted this ivy on a tree during a woodland walk with my camera.

Apple Blossom

18 Apr 2024 20 22 74
Taken in my garden. Have a good weekend everyone..!!

Bluebells and Bracken

23 Apr 2024 23 30 79
Taken on a recent woodland walk with my camera. Have an enjoyable Sunday!


04 May 2024 28 37 95
Taken in the grounds of one of our local churches.

Dandelion Seed Head

07 May 2024 20 22 68
Taken in my garden...............this one escaped the lawn mower :-))

Shadows on a wall

07 May 2024 14 22 62
Taken during a walk along the sea front in Southsea, Hampshire.

Oak Tree.......update (at last)!

23 Apr 2024 20 30 65
I took a photo of this beautiful oak tree in March last year and said then that I would have to go back and get another photo when the new leaves appeared. Well, I never got round to doing it last year, but I drove past it again last month and remembered..!! There is a comparison shot in the link below if you want to have a look:


10 May 2024 30 33 74
Moss on top of a churchyard wall............the sporophytes look like they're drying out in the sunshine,.

Ladybird on Forget-me-not

09 May 2024 32 38 90
Taken in my garden.


20 May 2024 31 46 94
Taken in my garden. Sometimes known as "Grannies Bonnet".


20 May 2024 22 36 108
Also called Love-in-a-mist. Taken in my garden. Please see the PiP for a wider shot.

1175 items in total