There can be only one!

Flowers, Plants,Trees, Seeds and Fungi Etc.

The last one

02 Jun 2013 4 10 250
Dead and dying flowers with just a single yellow flower still hanging on!


24 Apr 2012 229
Some of the trees that overlook the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Arundel. Please view large, on black :)


20 Apr 2013 174
Not getting out much of late.......shift work sucks! So reduced to taking photos in the garden!! No idea where these daffs came from - I didn't plant them :)

Reeds & Reflections

04 Mar 2012 1 257
Taken at Blashford Lakes

Roots & Reflections

04 Mar 2012 221
Taken yesterday at Blashford Lakes.

Looking up

21 Feb 2013 2 2 211
In the woods near Finchdean

Golden Trees

21 Feb 2013 250
Spotted these on the South Downs (viewing from Hooksway).

Standing tall

21 Feb 2013 1 2 243
I drove through these woods near Finchdean and the sunlight coming through trees was gorgeous. Sadly, I think I've failed to capture how it looked on the day. I do like how the ivy is thriving on the trees though.


18 Jan 2013 194
Had to pop out to Havant this morning to collect stuff from Post Office. Took a few shots with the Fuji X10 while I was out. All edited in Snapseed.


17 Dec 2012 177
Taken at WWT Arundel

Fallen Tree

08 Oct 2012 246
More from Wales.................sorry if I'm boring anyone!

Autmn is here........

27 Sep 2012 2 200
..........the leaves on this sycamore tree are turning brown. This will be my last post for a while. Off to Wales early tomorrow for a week of nothing but photography (and maybe a little alcohol), with some very good friends.


17 Sep 2012 227
Taken at Lepe Country Park. I really liked the way this tree has been shaped by the prevailing wind.

Red Hot Pokers...........

11 Aug 2012 199
.........are not always red!

Hover fly on calendula

Shooting from the weeds

05 Aug 2012 1 302
Julian in action........

Grass amongst the corn

Creeping Thistle

1175 items in total