Keith Burton's photos

Men at Work

07 Feb 2024 22 36 97
Taken at Emsworth, Hampshire yesterday, on a wet and windy afternoon. I got so tired watching these men at work that I had go and sit in a warm dry café with some coffee and cake, until I was rested enough to drive home..!!

The Royal Oak and the Old Mill

31 Jan 2024 26 43 94
Taken at Langstone Harbour, Hampshire, about an hour or so before high tide. This was taken on another grey, damp and miserable day........but I needed to get out for some fresh air and this area is one of my "go to" places for a quick walk, as I only live about a 15 minute drive from here.You probably already know that as I have posted lots of photos of this place! Best viewed large, I think. Thanks for looking!

St Mary's Church Portchester Castle (+PiP)

01 Aug 2023 21 33 84
This lovely church was built circa 1133 inside the walls of a Roman fort (now Portchester Castle) when Henry I founded a small priory of Augustinian Canons who moved soon afterwards. The priory has long since gone, but the church remains, largely untouched. Check out the PiP for a view of the inside.

Southsea Street Art

05 Feb 2024 25 33 81
Another fantastic piece of artwork by local Southsea artist "My Dog Sighs". This is on the wall of what used to be a huge Knight and Lee department store (and as it says on the wall, a branch of the John Lewis Partnership) which sadly, closed with a huge loss of jobs. It was one of two "flagship" stores in the shopping centre (the other being Debenhams, also closed down). I suspect both will soon be demolished and turned into housing.

Female Mallard

31 Jan 2024 22 30 58
Sheltering in the reed bed of the Mill Pond, at Langstone Harbour, Hampshire.

Marker Sign

31 Jan 2024 19 18 77
Some of you may remember this sign from here: Taken on a grey 'orrible afternoon, at Langstone Harbour, Hampshire about an hour or so before sunset,

Dying Bracken

15 Aug 2023 13 22 56
Taken on Petersfield Heath, Hampshire back in August last year.

A Healthy Breakfast?

01 Feb 2024 21 58 81
This one is especially for Maggie (MaggsMep) as she pretty much challenged me not to post another "Marmite" photo :-))) Taken indoors on my tabletop in natural window light. Afterwards, I drank the orange juice, my wife ate the boiled egg and the jar of Marmite will go to my daughter, who loves it. The toast and marmite went in the bin..!! Maggie........if it's any consolation I got some Marmite on my fingers when setting up the shot and licked my fingers clean without took ages to get rid of the taste. Yuk..!!

Brent Geese Gathering (+PiP)

31 Jan 2024 23 32 103
Taken at Langstone Harbour yesterday afternoon. I went with black and white because it was a black and white sort of day. There is a colour version in the PiP so you can see the (small) difference if you want to.

Still Life - Miscellany

27 Jan 2024 17 24 67
Taken indoors on my tabletop, experimenting with using light from a recently purchased LED lighting panel. These are just a few miscellaneous items from my "props" box.


16 Jan 2024 24 29 84
Taken from the sea wall at Broadmarsh Coastal Park, Langstone Harbour, Hampshire. This is what I would call a "Marmite"'ll either like it or hate it :-))) Personally I hate Marmite........but I like this photo and decided to post it.

Two Pairs

26 Jan 2024 22 28 79
Swans and Ducks. Taken at Bosham Harbour, West Sussex.

A Riot of Colours. (+PiP)

27 Jan 2024 20 34 83
These brightly coloured, pin-head sized glitter shapes came in tiny little bottles. I transferred them to a small wooden tray to take a photo and then realised getting it back in the bottles would be almost impossible, so I just upturned the box onto a piece of black card.........and this is the result. The PiP shows what they looked like in the box. Hours later, we are still finding tiny bits of glitter in the carpet and I'm pretty sure I've swallowed a couple :-)))

Bosham in the Winter Sunshine

26 Jan 2024 21 30 90
Spent another couple of hours at Bosham yesterday afternoon with my wife and daughter. It was lovely and peaceful in the sunshine. This was taken around an hour after high tide, so the road had only just become walkable again. My wife had taken some bird food with her............check out the PiP to compare this peaceful scene with the feeding frenzy that occurred after she started to throw some food into the water..!!

Matching Sunglasses

23 May 2023 22 33 90
A candid image captured at Emsworth Harbour, Hampshire. I have no idea what this couple were looking at.......all I could see was water :-)) I hope you all have a more exciting day than this couple seemed to be having!!

Ménage à Trois?

--/--/---- 18 27 86
I think these were taken sometime in October last year in Leigh Park Gardens, Hampshire.

White Goose

15 Aug 2023 19 25 78
Captured in the Petersfield Heath Pond, Hampshire. It seemed to be making sure that I captured it's good side :-))

Southsea Street Art (+PiP)

22 Nov 2023 21 24 89
I thought it was about time I posted another piece of colourful street art. This is by the artist ROO. There is another, more serious, work by Roo Arbrook in the PiP.

7216 items in total