
Digital Art

23 Jun 2014

1 favorite

161 visits


14 Jul 2013

210 visits

Artists Conk

Painted by my sister Marlene.

14 Jul 2013

1 favorite

226 visits

7 Yucca Pods

Digital Art

09 Jul 2013

1 favorite

1 comment

127 visits

Return To Vermont

My dream is to move to Vermont. We visited there a few years back and we both fell in love with it.

09 Jul 2013

1 favorite

1 comment

145 visits

Shizandra In A Street Painting

This is Shizandra our 2 yr. old Chocolate Border Collie.

07 Jul 2013

2 favorites

234 visits

Bag Clips

Digital Art.

30 Jun 2013

1 favorite

286 visits

A Group Of People

Used Photoshop to create this photo.

23 Jun 2013

2 favorites

263 visits

My Favourite Tree

22 Jun 2013

187 visits


A little more watercolour processing. This is over the fence in my neighbour's yard.
16 items in total