

Photos of flowers, and gardens. And other growing plants, as they strike my fancy.

Most of these are/were growing in my yard. See the Our Garden Beds set for some comments on what all this means.


03 Apr 2005 111
I start looking for Crocuses in late February. While we've had them as early as February 26, this year we had our first open flower on March 26. Welcome! Glad to see you! Bring your friends!

Lilies and Daisies

01 Jul 1997 100
I spent July 3, 1993, planting several dozen lily bulbs in a bed I'd made behind the garage. When Joan joined the household, the Shasta Daisies came along from her old place. This was the delightful result. The picture dates from July of 1997. The flowers were wonderful, but it was difficult to keep the weeds under control. So a few years ago we transplanted some of the flowers and tore out the rest. This plot is now part of Joan's vegetable garden. I already showed you the Sprouts. A good trade.... Camera: Chinon Genesis III

Gone to seed

27 Mar 2005 72
What remains of the firewheels. I was outside, looking at the crocusii (finally!), and took this shot. Turned out well, methinks.

Painted Daisies

01 Jan 2002 99
Summer, 2002


25 Oct 2003 96
Joan's harvest, October 2003.

Wild Rose


09 Apr 2005 103
Spring flowers are surprisingly difficult to photograph. The problem I find is context: Everything else is still brown. Of course, that's also what makes spring flowers exciting .

First Tulip

09 Apr 2005 85
That's our first tulip of the year. Somehow Joan's managed to transform a rather ugly flower into this interesting image. Not sure how, but I like it. Camera: Olympus Stylus 410 Photo by Joan Bennett

Dakota's Columbine

08 Jun 2003 79
Columbine, in our "show" garden. The neighbor's grandkid, Dakota, helped Joan plant this, so he tends to think it's his. We don't mind....

White Pine

13 Apr 2005 123
I planted three small white pines--two side-by-side in the front, the other near the yard's back corner--early in 1992, hoping they'd eventually grow to reasonable size. (Small, indeed--I carried them home in my Chevy Nova. Took three trips.) They've grown to be fairly substantial trees, and I'm satisfied. The trees sat in the wind tunnel for a week or so before I found time to plant them. A pair of wrens figured they were fair game, and started to build a nest in one of the trees. They got quite upset when I moved their home into the yard....

Dad's <strike>Azalea</strike> Flowering Quince

16 Apr 2005 101
One of the mementos Mom received when Dad passed away was this Azalea Quince (there's a story about that strikeout). When she couldn't get it to flourish in her yard, Mom offered it to me. In my yard it's been very successful; in fact, we've found it necessary to trim it back a couple times a year. If I'd known how well it would grow, I'd not have put it by the house. It's about to flower.

Another Daffodil


01 Jan 1999 87
Camera: Nikon N90s Photo by Joel Dinda More information

Yellow Crocuses

Azalea Revisited

19 Apr 2005 101
Turns out Joan's also been photographing the Azalea. Nice shot. Camera: Olympus Stylus 410 Photo by Joan Bennett


26 May 2003 76
Commentary on a dabbler's journal


16 Apr 2005 97
These pretty flowers open with and among our daffodils every spring, to our great delight. This year's the first time I've managed a satisfactory photograph....

861 items in total