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By HappySnapper

17 favorites

wk17-21 3625

Help for ID. Is this called Willow goats beard?

By HappySnapper

22 favorites

wk18-21 3656

Blue tit in blossom For the 50 images Project. 9/50. (The subject is the Cherry tree)

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By HappySnapper

20 favorites

wk17-21 3614 HBM

Happy Bench Monday everybody have good week and stay safe stay healthy. Wicken Fen. Almost end of April and still a bitterly cold wind blowing across the fen.

By HappySnapper

12 favorites

wk17-21 3626

Alternative wild life at Wicken Fen.

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By HappySnapper

14 favorites

wk17-21-3649 FF (Fence Friday)

National Trust Wicken Fen (Sedge Fen just re-opened) Huge amount of work done here during the Lockdown and the rewards should come later in the summer as the wild life emerges into the warm sunshine. Bitterly cold today but we managed to complete the 4 mile hike. Fence Friday everyone and enjoy your weekend , stay safe, stay well.

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By HappySnapper

17 favorites

wk15-21 3485

Power lines or wind turbines, which is best?. see also PIP

By HappySnapper

18 favorites

wk13-21 3351

The more intelligent half of us two. HAPPY BENCH MONDAY everybody and a good week for you all. Stay safe and stay well.

By HappySnapper

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wk14-21-3414 H.A.N.W.E

Unknown. Been hiding in the conservatory all winter, forgotten about and probably not watered and so we have been rewarded with a show of these beautiful Orange blooms. I can't find any reference, the nearest I can get is a succulent "Gasteria" Taken with a 40-150mm kit lens plus 10mm extension tube. Just to wish everybody a Happy "Weekend, stay safe stay healthy. Thanks to Keith Burton (Below) who gave a positive ID.

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By HappySnapper

20 favorites


I think beginnings of Horse Chestnut, if anyone can correct me please. For Group Project 21 "Flowers"
36 items in total