St. Clair & Bathurst, Toronto


Niagara Falls

25 May 2012 23 18 178
On the Canadian side. Try the big view: click the pic or type Z.

Church Street, Toronto

Eight years ago today on Bay Street in Toronto

16 Jul 2012 13 21 197
Heading to work. I prefer the bigger version. Click the pic or type Z to see it. The view today:,+Toronto,+ON+M5H+1Y4/@43.6505795,-79.3810538,3a,75y,256.57h,91.86t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZ_EKfEBCNd-e1ZOc-MB0Bw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x89d4cb32d0515fe5:0x193e87881f050a97!8m2!3d43.6508281!4d-79.3797005

Happy Fence Friday

13 Jun 2016 25 29 188
Armoury Street, Toronto, in 2016.

Point Edward, Ontario

30 Aug 2020 18 22 165
Buying chips under the Bluewater Bridge, which runs from Point Edward to Port Huron, Michigan, on the other side of the St. Clair River. At the moment only essential traffic is allowed across it. This view is from the Canadian side to the American. Please try the larger view (type Z).

Somewhere in Toronto 2

23 Sep 2015 26 22 142
Think Big! Type Z!
20 Oct 2017 16 16 188
I recommend the large view (type Z). Sculpture of Alexander the Great by David Pellettier, at Steve Stavro's grave in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto.

Knightsbridge, 2013

12 Sep 2013 13 20 163
Pre-pandemic London. I find the large version more interesting. Type Z to see if you agree.
27 Jan 2009 20 19 150
On the way out of St. Patrick subway station in Toronto.

University College, University of Toronto

06 Feb 2010 19 18 131
Main entrance.

Richmond and Queens, London, Ontario

17 Feb 2021 15 21 185
I prefer the really big view -- type Z then click the representation of a frame at top right), but your preference may vary. I believe Édifice Dominion Public should should, by Canadian standards, read Édifice Dominion-Public , or, better yet, Édifice fédéral . The word "Dominion" is pretty much taboo in Canada now (as a vestige of colonial rule) except in the names of the beautiful Dominion Public Buildings that the federal government put up all over the country.
02 Feb 2014 32 30 170
Lots of detail in the big views (type Z to find out if I'm telling the truth).

65 items in total