Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto

Nathan Phillips Square

Toronto's current city hall (known as New City Hall) is on the north side of Nathan Phillips Square. It was built in 1965 and is usually attributed to Viljo Revell.but he thought his colleagues Heikki Castren, Bengt Lundsten, and Seppo Valju should also be recognized. Old City Hall, an 1899 building by E. J. Lennox, is across the street on the east side.

Nathan Phillips was mayor of the old City …  (read more)

08 Sep 2017

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629 visits

Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto

New City Hall (1965) in the background. It is usually attributed to Viljo Revell, but he thought his colleagues Heikki Castren, Bengt Lundsten, and Seppo Valjus should also be credited.

23 Jun 2016

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274 visits

Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto

Another view of Toronto's selfie hotspot, Nathan Phillips Square.

02 Jul 2013

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412 visits

Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto

Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto, before the installation of the Toronto sign but during the exhibition of Ai Wei Wei's Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads.

23 Jul 2015

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428 visits

Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto

This square has New City Hall on the north side and Old City Hall on the east (well, across Bay Street); neither is shown here. Nathan Phillips was the mayor who was instrumental in getting New City Hall and its square built. There's a photo of New City Hall and the square in the comments.

06 Jun 2017

14 favorites


378 visits

29 Aug 2013

17 favorites


384 visits

Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto

Another shot of Nathan Phillips Square during the exhibition of Ai Wei Wei's Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads .

15 Jul 2018

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292 visits

We were here 1

Commemorating visits to Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto. This is better seen large, I think; click on the pic or type Z.

15 Jul 2018

12 favorites


257 visits

We were here 2

Commemorating visits to Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto.

23 Aug 2015

24 favorites


296 visits

Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto

Nathan Phillips Square in 2015, when the Toronto sign had just been put up. It turned the square into Toronto's selfie hotspot. Since then a maple leaf the same size as the letters has been added after the sign and a medicine wheel the same size as the letters before. More photos of the square:
27 items in total