Flying to Egypt


18 Dec 2023

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51 visits

All wrapped up

The Egyptian Museum Cairo Egypt AIMG 2886

18 Dec 2023

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51 visits

Osiris caring for the Pharoh

The Egyptian Museum Cairo Egypt AIMG 2887

18 Dec 2023

19 favorites


99 visits

Guilded Cartonage Mask of Yuya (Explored)

Yuya was the father-in-law of pharaoh Amenhotep III, who was one of the the most powerful kings of the 18th dynasty in Egypt (circa 1890 BCE). The Egyptian Museum Cairo Egypt AIMG 2870

19 Dec 2023

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110 visits

Two pyramids (Explored)

The Great Pyramid (the Pyramid of Khufu) and the Pyramid of Khafre were built between  approximately 2600 and 2500 BCE. Giza, Egypt Sunday Challenge: Triangles AIMG 3070

18 Dec 2023

4 favorites


37 visits

Stone carved arch

"The Hanging Church is named for its location above a gatehouse of Babylon Fortress, the Roman fortress in Coptic Cairo (Old Cairo); its nave is suspended over a passage.... The Hanging Church was probably built during the patriarchate of Isaac (690–692), though an earlier church building may have elsewhere existed dating as early as the 3rd or 4th century. However, the earliest mention of the church was a statement in the biography of the patriarch Joseph I (831–849), when the governor of Egypt visited the establishment. The church was largely rebuilt by the Pope Abraham (975–978) and has seen many other restorations including an extensive repair and restoration of the church and its surroundings completed in 2011." AIMG 2903

18 Dec 2023

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35 visits

Stained glass

"The Hanging Church is named for its location above a gatehouse of Babylon Fortress, the Roman fortress in Coptic Cairo (Old Cairo); its nave is suspended over a passage.... The Hanging Church was probably built during the patriarchate of Isaac (690–692), though an earlier church building may have elsewhere existed dating as early as the 3rd or 4th century. However, the earliest mention of the church was a statement in the biography of the patriarch Joseph I (831–849), when the governor of Egypt visited the establishment. The church was largely rebuilt by the Pope Abraham (975–978) and has seen many other restorations including an extensive repair and restoration of the church and its surroundings completed in 2011." AIMG 2911

18 Dec 2023

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41 visits

Interior of the Hanging Church

"The Hanging Church is named for its location above a gatehouse of Babylon Fortress, the Roman fortress in Coptic Cairo (Old Cairo); its nave is suspended over a passage.... The Hanging Church was probably built during the patriarchate of Isaac (690–692), though an earlier church building may have elsewhere existed dating as early as the 3rd or 4th century. However, the earliest mention of the church was a statement in the biography of the patriarch Joseph I (831–849), when the governor of Egypt visited the establishment. The church was largely rebuilt by the Pope Abraham (975–978) and has seen many other restorations including an extensive repair and restoration of the church and its surroundings completed in 2011." AIMG 2908

18 Dec 2023

14 favorites


57 visits

Coptic Cairo

"The Hanging Church is named for its location above a gatehouse of Babylon Fortress, the Roman fortress in Coptic Cairo (Old Cairo); its nave is suspended over a passage.... The Hanging Church was probably built during the patriarchate of Isaac (690–692), though an earlier church building may have elsewhere existed dating as early as the 3rd or 4th century. However, the earliest mention of the church was a statement in the biography of the patriarch Joseph I (831–849), when the governor of Egypt visited the establishment. The church was largely rebuilt by the Pope Abraham (975–978) and has seen many other restorations including an extensive repair and restoration of the church and its surroundings completed in 2011." AIMG 2918

18 Dec 2023

11 favorites


55 visits

Wood and ivory

"The Hanging Church is named for its location above a gatehouse of Babylon Fortress, the Roman fortress in Coptic Cairo (Old Cairo); its nave is suspended over a passage.... The Hanging Church was probably built during the patriarchate of Isaac (690–692), though an earlier church building may have elsewhere existed dating as early as the 3rd or 4th century. However, the earliest mention of the church was a statement in the biography of the patriarch Joseph I (831–849), when the governor of Egypt visited the establishment. The church was largely rebuilt by the Pope Abraham (975–978) and has seen many other restorations including an extensive repair and restoration of the church and its surroundings completed in 2011." AIMG 2915
56 items in total