Glass Fan (Explored)


06 Feb 2023

9 favorites


103 visits

Northern Mockingbird

AIMG 7007

06 Feb 2023

24 favorites


138 visits

Who, me? (Explored)

Squirrel Tampa, Florida AIMG 7006

07 Feb 2023

10 favorites


62 visits

A peaceful garden

The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art is the official state art museum of Florida. In addition to traditional art, it houses a circus museum, several gardens and the former home of the donors. John Ringling was one one the Ringling Brothers who created the circus once billed as the "Greatest Show on Earth." AIMG 8135

07 Feb 2023

11 favorites


69 visits

The Greatest Show on Earth

The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art is the official state art museum of Florida. In addition to traditional art, it houses a circus museum, several gardens and the former home of the donors. John Ringling was one one the Ringling Brothers who created the circus once billed as the "Greatest Show on Earth." For information about the mural, see . AIMG 8139

07 Feb 2023

19 favorites


101 visits

The elephant car (Explored)

The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art is the official state art museum of Florida. In addition to traditional art, it houses a circus museum, several gardens and the former home of the donors. John Ringling was one one the Ringling Brothers who created the circus once billed as the "Greatest Show on Earth." For information about the model, see . AIMG 8141

07 Feb 2023

37 favorites


131 visits

Lost in thought (Explored)

Bradenton Beach, Florida Sunday Challenge: A picture is worth a thousand words AIMG 8280

11 Feb 2023

23 favorites


113 visits

Fashion in glass

Sunday Challenge: Fashion This lovely swirling dress and scarf are not what they first appears to be. It is a full size model made out of cast glass by glass artist, Karen LaMonte ( and can be viewed at the Imagine Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida AIMG 8851

07 Feb 2023

5 favorites


60 visits

Start of the Grand Entrance Parade

The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art is the official state art museum of Florida. In addition to traditional art, it houses a circus museum, several gardens and the former home of the donors. John Ringling was one one the Ringling Brothers who created the circus once billed as the "Greatest Show on Earth." For information about the model, see . AIMG 8150

07 Feb 2023

3 favorites


51 visits

Outside the circus

The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art is the official state art museum of Florida. In addition to traditional art, it houses a circus museum, several gardens and the former home of the donors. John Ringling was one one the Ringling Brothers who created the circus once billed as the "Greatest Show on Earth." For information about the model, see . AIMG 8162
77 items in total