Esther's photos

24 May 2024

17 favorites


64 visits

Resting elk (Explored)

Elk Forest Southwick Zoo Mendon, Massachusetts Sunday Challenge: Nature in black and white

26 Apr 2024

16 favorites


49 visits

Landscape with Two Breton Women - Paul Gaugin

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG_4662

26 Apr 2024

5 favorites


20 visits

Madame Cézanne in a Red Armchair

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG_4664

26 Apr 2024

6 favorites


29 visits

Roses and friends

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG_4663

26 Apr 2024

5 favorites


24 visits

A feel of Monet

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG_4660

26 Apr 2024

3 favorites


17 visits

The Young Shepardess - Jean-François Millet

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG_4659

26 Apr 2024

3 favorites


20 visits

Orange burst

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG_4653

26 Apr 2024

22 favorites


81 visits

Spring colors (Explored)

Tulipmania Garden at Elm Bank Wellesley, Massachusetts AP1023234

26 Apr 2024

11 favorites


53 visits

Orange and yellow

Tulipmania Garden at Elm Bank Wellesley, Massachusetts AP1023236
6106 items in total