HappySnapper's photos

wk26-21 3894

01 Jul 2021 14 13 85
Sorry only snaps from the Back Garden for a while. I think a Juvenile Robin.

wk21-21 3861

26 May 2021 21 16 160
"It's still 2 meters you know" !

wk20-21 3758 For Andy

19 May 2021 23 16 123
Thoughts are with Andy while out doing things we all like doing best. Wishing you a successful recovery from this dreadful disease.

wk20-21 3739

19 May 2021 22 9 141
A....... What....Where! What's going on .... Which way? Taken at WWT Welney:

wk20-21 3713

19 May 2021 8 5 96
Pair of Shoveler ducks (Male) Taken at WWT Welney earlier today. Not as sharp as I had hoped for but when you drop your 400mm lens on the floor your hand tends to shake a little after that.

wk19-21 3677 FF Fence Friday.

13 May 2021 18 15 123
Potted Magnolia: Just to wish everybody a Happy Fence Friday and a very good, safe (H.A.N.W.E) Happy and Nice Weekend.

wk16-21 3532

20 Apr 2021 14 11 158
History Recorded: Debenhams a High Street name I have known since I was a boy in the 1950s. Just a few weeks from now the name will be gone from our high streets forever. RE-POSTED: The shutters have come down for the last time at all Debenhams stores. 240 years of high street history came to an end.

wk17-21 3625

29 Apr 2021 17 10 119
Help for ID. Is this called Willow goats beard?

wk17-21 3623 Fence Friday

29 Apr 2021 9 6 95
Purpose made rural fence though I am unclear what is being fenced in. Taken at the National Trust Wicken Fen. Wishing everybody a HFF and a super weekend for you all, keep safe and stay well.

wk18-21 3656

03 May 2021 22 12 139
Blue tit in blossom For the 50 images Project. 9/50. (The subject is the Cherry tree)

wk17-21 3614 HBM

29 Apr 2021 20 14 157
Happy Bench Monday everybody have good week and stay safe stay healthy. Wicken Fen. Almost end of April and still a bitterly cold wind blowing across the fen.

wk17-21 3626

29 Apr 2021 12 5 93
Alternative wild life at Wicken Fen.

wk17-21-3649 FF (Fence Friday)

29 Apr 2021 14 9 106
National Trust Wicken Fen (Sedge Fen just re-opened) Huge amount of work done here during the Lockdown and the rewards should come later in the summer as the wild life emerges into the warm sunshine. Bitterly cold today but we managed to complete the 4 mile hike. Fence Friday everyone and enjoy your weekend , stay safe, stay well.

wk17-21 3588

26 Apr 2021 13 7 107
Graylag Goose: She has built her nest quiet close to the trail and does not seem to bothered by people passing by as they walk around the lake. She was standing next to the nest when I arrived and I counted 9 eggs before she returned to the nest. The Gander was nowhere to be seen. Taken at the BTO Nunnery Lakes nature reserve.

wk17-21 3564

26 Apr 2021 13 9 102
Our house (Left) through the years (4 PIPS) For the 50 images project 8/50 (Inc in the PIPS)

wk17-21 3582

26 Apr 2021 14 7 122
Coot: Taken at the BTO Nunnery Lakes Nature reserve. View Large for better detail.

wk15-21 3505 HFF & H.A.N.W.E

18 Apr 2021 34 27 168
HFF and to wish everybody a good, happy and safe weekend, Stay well.

wk16-21 3518

19 Apr 2021 17 10 106
In the beginning. Outside our bedroom window tomorrow we should see the full blossom. In a few days the ground is covered in a carpet of pink, a photographer will come with a model for a photoshoot as he does each year and finally as the petals loosen the children will shake the tree to make a storm of petals and leave me to sweep it all up. Plus PIP

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