depscribe's photos

31 May 2019

76 visits

Federal Creek is low for now . . .

. . . but within a couple of hours those clouds in the background will have become prolific and the creek will have experienced a flash flood. Have I mentioned that I don't like powerlines in my pictures?

23 May 2019

2 favorites

125 visits

Storm gone, wind remains

23 May 2019

120 visits

Downtown Amesville, Ohio

23 May 2019

1 favorite

217 visits

Amesville, Ohio

23 May 2019

1 favorite

109 visits

Into the woods with the new 14mm lens

I couldn't believe I had found a Fuji lens that doesn't have an overwhelming hotspot or central color shift, but it seems I have. The technical term for this is WOW! YIPPEE!!!

23 May 2019

2 favorites

100 visits

After the storm

Am awaiting a delivery, so I have to stay near home. Here's a nearby road after a line of thunderstorms passed. I was desperate to try out my new and wonderful 14mm f2.8 Fuji lens. (Though it is true: the aperture ring needs a lock, so it doesn't get knocked from automatic to f22.)

19 May 2019

105 visits

The multiflora flower is pretty, though

I made this picture not so much to capture the blossom as to test the Meike 25mm f1.8 manual lens on a Fuji X-Pro1. This is a 100 percent crop from the center of the image.

19 May 2019

86 visits

The dreaded multiflora rose

The United States Department of Agriculture a generation ago encouraged farmers to make hedges of Asian multiflora roses instead of putting up fences. Problem is, birds ead the rose hips -- seed pods -- and poop the seeds all over the place, and now multiflora roses are officially a harmful invasive species. Thanks, government!

18 May 2019

75 visits

The big sycamore out front

Another test with the 25mm f1.8 Meike in 720nm infrared, shot ay f5.6. It's a manual-focus, manual aperture lens, which is fine especially on cameras with focus peaking. But it's just not wide enough. I don't think there's a way to escape getting the 14mm f2.8 Fujinon, which is reputed to be excellent for infrared. (Though the 18-135 is said to be that way, too, and it entirely sucks in IR, especially color IR.)
3629 photos in total