Undergraduate signs tend to be intemperate in language

More angry students

At Ohio University, the latest political development is likely to be the top complaint in a litany of complaints that are the subject of demonstrations by organized undergraduates. The students usually meet in front of the Athens County Courthouse; often, they then march to some other location, frequently shouting obscenity-laced chants.

The demonstration on 1 February 2017 had as its lead the Tr…  (read more)

01 Feb 2017

113 visits

Undergraduate signs tend to be intemperate in language

01 Feb 2017

121 visits

Signs of many sorts

01 Feb 2017

140 visits

The local courthouse is the traditional starting site

01 Feb 2017

154 visits

Later, a sit-in at the student center

70 were arrested when they refused to leave. The charges were later thrown out.

01 Feb 2017

142 visits

Some posed for pictures

01 Feb 2017

139 visits

Some signs were a little obscure

01 Feb 2017

129 visits

True believers

01 Feb 2017

129 visits

Angry on a different topic

01 Feb 2017

143 visits


12 items in total