High Street hill is steep!

The Amazing High Street Hill Climb

From 1946 to 1969, a total of about 5,000 King Midget miniature automobiles were manufactured in Athens, Ohio. Each year, enthusiasts gather somewhere, and this year, the 70th anniversary of the King Midget, the assembly was in Athens. Nearly 120 cars were on hand, mostly trailered in.
It is said that a test of the cars before they were shipped was that they had to be able to climb the hill on Hig…  (read more)

13 Aug 2016

133 visits

High Street hill is steep!

13 Aug 2016

138 visits

Hemmings Motor News sent a car

13 Aug 2016

148 visits

Here's a King Midget pickup truck

13 Aug 2016

180 visits

Maybe the world's only King Midget woody station wagon

13 Aug 2016

128 visits

A happy couple climbs the hill

13 Aug 2016

158 visits

Description instead of license plate

13 Aug 2016

1 comment

162 visits

The hill climbed, these cars gathered and drivers socialized

13 Aug 2016

178 visits

A pretty King Midget model II

13 Aug 2016

156 visits

The blue-top model II was an audience favorite

13 items in total