The cannon fuse that sets off the fireworks

Fourth of July, Athens, Ohio

Like many small towns, Athens, Ohio, holds festivities on Independence Day. This year it rained a lot, but that scarcely even slowed things down . . . well, but for the parade, which got cancelled.

03 Jul 2016

68 visits

The cannon fuse that sets off the fireworks

03 Jul 2016

75 visits

Dillon Cheeseman of Hamburg Fireworks

04 Jul 2016

67 visits

The crowd builds

04 Jul 2016

75 visits

Not just fireworks at the event

04 Jul 2016

80 visits

Albany Baptist Church provided food for free

04 Jul 2016

1 favorite

91 visits

Emma, 3, is excited about fireworks

04 Jul 2016

75 visits

The local broadcasters broadcast locally

04 Jul 2016

78 visits

A tyke learns about sparklers

04 Jul 2016

96 visits

A sparkler on a string

19 items in total