Amy Gibas shows her camera/GPS platform

Flight of the Gibas II

Amy Gibas is cool.
An Ohio University art graduate student, she decided to make part of her thesis project a film made from a balloon floating free from a hill in Athens, Ohio. The first flight carried the payload into Pennsylvania.
This flight, launched into clouds on a cold and windy day with sporadic snow in early April, took it 150 miles to the West Virginia-Virginia border.
There will be more…  (read more)

09 Apr 2016

112 visits

Amy Gibas shows her camera/GPS platform

The orange thing in her right hand is the parachute.

09 Apr 2016

92 visits

It will be filled with helium

09 Apr 2016

96 visits

The hose is connected

09 Apr 2016

118 visits

Inflation begins

09 Apr 2016

126 visits

Starting to resemble a balloon

09 Apr 2016

104 visits

Getting bigger

09 Apr 2016

130 visits

At altitude it will be 20 feet in diameter

She is using a scale here to measure its lift.

09 Apr 2016

102 visits

Ready for release

09 Apr 2016

130 visits

Off it goes

11 items in total