The pond is drained and the search begins

Freshwater shrimp farming in Ohio

Hocking College in Nelsonville, Ohio, is known for interesting and unusual courses of study thet, unlike the programs offered at many colleges, actually offer potential for graduates to make a living.

One of Hocking's programs is a fisheries school that in addition to the growing of fish for stocking ponds and lakes teaches students how to raise freshwater Malaysian prawns. Each autumn, the shrim…  (read more)

02 Oct 2015

126 visits

The pond is drained and the search begins

02 Oct 2015

170 visits

As the prawns are found, they're put in a deeper area

02 Oct 2015

157 visits

They grow to good size in four months

02 Oct 2015

177 visits

The large, dominant ones are called "blue claws"

02 Oct 2015

158 visits

The underwater area grows smaller

02 Oct 2015

145 visits

Time to bring out the seine

02 Oct 2015

160 visits

Be glad they're not 50 feet tall

02 Oct 2015

158 visits

A basket ready for market

02 Oct 2015

160 visits

Be even more glad they're not 50 feet tall

11 items in total