Swimming for all he's worth at the beginning of the triathlon

Race for a Reason

Each year, "Race for a Reason" is held in Athens, Ohio, to raise money for various charities and organizations. It's actually several races, including a triathlon and a "mud run" through Ohio University ROTC's obstacle course, which is always the most fun to photograph.

25 Apr 2015

105 visits

Swimming for all he's worth at the beginning of the triathlon

25 Apr 2015

122 visits

Then came the run to the bicycles

25 Apr 2015

109 visits

Dry off, mount, and head out -- leg two of the triathlon

25 Apr 2015

92 visits

More picturesque was the "mud run" and its obstacle course

25 Apr 2015

129 visits

25 Apr 2015

116 visits

The mud pit was, well, muddy

25 Apr 2015

133 visits

This fellow went in head-first . . .

25 Apr 2015

116 visits

. . . and came up with a stick in his mouth

25 Apr 2015

127 visits

They call it a "mud run" for a reason

11 items in total