Riders sign up

"Lost in Lodi" enduro

Each year for the last five years, an AMA-sanctioned enduro has taken place in the Athens County, Ohio, hamlet of Lodi. In 2015, despite unusually cold temperatures, more than 200 riders from all over the country showed up for the event, which raises money for the local volunteer fire department.

29 Mar 2015

112 visits

Riders sign up

More than 200 participants took part, despite temperatures of less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit at the start of the enduro.

29 Mar 2015

122 visits

There were noise limits

A rider approaches the station where the loudness of his bike was measured. There was a maximum volume, but not a minimum.

29 Mar 2015

163 visits

They're off in a cloud of two-stroke smoke!

Riders set off in groups of four, one minute apart. The goal was to maintain an average 24 miles per hour, rather than to be fastest.

29 Mar 2015

129 visits

A mudhole

I set up shop at this "mudhole," which was frozen over at first.

29 Mar 2015

112 visits

A wheelie in the mud

29 Mar 2015

108 visits

The ice is broken

29 Mar 2015

107 visits

Riders chose different lines

29 Mar 2015

111 visits

Going through the mud was not always fastest

29 Mar 2015

105 visits

There was a women's division, too