
Bugs and such

30 Jun 2014

151 visits

The little katydid, by itself

Thought at first that it was a cricket, but I was wrong.

30 Jun 2014

92 visits

Great Spangled Fritillary, I think

30 Jun 2014

143 visits

B. perplexus takes a sip of nectar

30 Jun 2014

148 visits

Another cuckoo bee

Bombus perplexus , known as the confusing, perplexing, or cuckoo bumble bee, is common in my experience to this one small flower garden. So I'll keep photographing it until I get it right or it goes away.

01 Jul 2014

145 visits

Another dinky true bug

This little guy was about an eighth-inch long. No idea whether it eats plants or other bugs.

01 Jul 2014

125 visits

Assassin bug, underneath

You can see its proboscis -- a pretty impressive weapon!

01 Jul 2014

144 visits

Assassin bug from above

This is how most people would see it. It's worth recognizing -- its bite is plenty painful.

01 Jul 2014

1 favorite

176 visits

Assassin bug waits for supper

If you look closely under his head, you'll see the long, sharp proboscis folded next to its body. When it finds an insect (or other creature -- big ones have been known to devour small vertebrates) it wants to eat, it stabs the hapless prey with its proboscis, injects a poisonous, painful, and digestive fluid, and then uses it like a straw to suck out the prey's now liquified innards. It is a true bug.

02 Jul 2014

119 visits

A cranefly or its kin

Again, the halteres are visible, the things dangling out from the sides that look like drumsticks.
241 items in total