Which way to go?

Another Sunday Stroll

As has become my habit, I wandered around downtown this morning to see what I might see. This is some of it.

07 Jul 2013

94 visits

Which way to go?

07 Jul 2013

108 visits

Shapes and colors

. . . and rain. Oh, well.

07 Jul 2013

128 visits

Oh, the urbanity!

I have no idea why I like this picture, but I do. Nor do I have any idea why I took this picture. But I did.

07 Jul 2013

114 visits

A real, live nephew of my Uncle Sam

Closed on the Fourth of July.

07 Jul 2013

139 visits

What would a Sunday stroll be . . .

. . . without an alley picture? This one goes a loooong way.

07 Jul 2013

154 visits

Might explain the pants

A morning-after holiday decoration. Best reason in the world to drink beer, as the old slogan had it.

07 Jul 2013

1 favorite


257 visits


Oddly, there are a belt and a pair of shorts in the background. Anyplace else and it would be thought odd, leaving home with pants but not returning with them. Here, not so much.