Last day of freedom

News: Crime

Robberies, bombings, murders -- these are the reporter's daily fare.

11 Sep 2010

138 visits

Lauderdale Lakes shootout 4

In due course, the shooter is apprehended. Olumpus OM-1, 35mm Zuiko, Tri-X

11 Sep 2010

138 visits

Lauderdale Lakes shootout 5

As police process the crime scene, bullet holes are visible in the apartment door. The big hole above the apartment number is where a gas grenade went in -- hence the exhaust fan. Olympus OM-1 with Rollei strobe, 35mm Zuiko, Tri-X

11 Sep 2010

136 visits

An unexpected good-bye

As the body of her murdered sister is taken away, a young woman places her hand on the body bag. It happened on a bright Saturday morning in Fort Lauderdale. Olympus OM-1, 35mm Zuiko, Tri-X

11 Sep 2010

137 visits

Dusting for prints

A crime-scene technician hopes to help solve the murder of the Fort Lauderdale woman. Olympus OM-1, 200mm Zuiko, Tri-X

11 Sep 2010

409 visits

Stephan Osmolski, murderer

Classical pianist and restaurant owner, 75-year-old Stephan Osmolski had a dispute with partner Bridget Walsh. So he shot her in their restaurant, then burned the restaurant to the ground. Convicted of second-degree murder, he died in prison despite the efforts of his well-fed lawyer. Leica M-4, 35mm Summicron, Tri-X, D-76 1:1

11 Sep 2010

374 visits

George Karabinas, murder suspect

New York state police take away one George Karabinas following his arrest on a murder charge. He was tried and convicted of second-degree murder and as of autumn 2010 was still in the pen. Olympus OM-1 with Vivitar strobe, 35mm Zuiko, Tri-X

11 Sep 2010

134 visits

William Stroud hears the charges

Greenburgh, New York, police decided that William Stroud had stabbed someone to death. So they arrested him. Olympus OM-1 with Rollei strobe, 35mm Zuiko, Tri-X

29 Jul 2008

116 visits

The Post Office "Bombings"

Early the morning of July 29, 2008, the fellow who delivers bags of mail to small rural post offices in southeastern Ohio discovered an odd device next to the door of one of the post offices. He found a similar device at the second post office on his rounds, then a third. They were wired to look like bombs. He called the authorities, and soon federal and local agents of all sorts descended on the scenes. Here, a bomb-disposal technician and his robot tend to the one in Stewart, Ohio. The bombs turned out to be fakes, left to distract police while a nearby bank was robbed. The ploy didn't work; the robber was caught.

12 Feb 2015

132 visits

Reporters await the verdict

The scene was the Court of Common Please, Athens County Courthouse, Athens County, Ohio. Sheriff Pat Kelly was on trial, charged with almost two dozen counts of corruption. The jury was out, as it had been for more than a day and a half.
32 items in total