The schoolroom door explains it all

Feature: Japanese kids, American school

Eastchester, New York, is a popular residence for Japanese families in the country for a few years for work with big corporations in nearby New York City. So Eastchester schools established a program to teach Japanese kids who did not plan to be permanent residents. I did a feature on the program.

16 Sep 2010

116 visits

The schoolroom door explains it all

16 Sep 2010

123 visits

School isn't always interesting

16 Sep 2010

144 visits

Sometimes, it's even kind of soporific

16 Sep 2010

140 visits

But friends bring excitement

16 Sep 2010

132 visits

Recess is fun, too

16 Sep 2010

114 visits

Math is the same in any language

16 Sep 2010

147 visits

English and Japanese are both taught

16 Sep 2010

141 visits

The kids seem to have a good time

16 Sep 2010

124 visits

Kids are always cute

10 items in total