A color picture of a monochrome storm

News: Hurricane Gloria

The upper Atlantic coast got a good whacking from hurricane, then tropical storm, Gloria in early September 1985. I foolishly went down to the water to make pictures. The Nikonos I used for some of the pictures survived; the Olympus OM-1 I used for others didn't.

02 Sep 2006

111 visits

A color picture of a monochrome storm

As the weather approached, the seas built.

02 Sep 2006

98 visits

Spray tops the seawall

16 Sep 2010

114 visits

Sailors watch as the boats strain their moorings

02 Sep 2006

120 visits

The first boat hits the rocks . . .

16 Sep 2010

106 visits

. . . and the wind-driven waves smash it

16 Sep 2010

120 visits

Soon, it is destroyed

16 Sep 2010

116 visits

Another smashes on the breakwater

16 Sep 2010

133 visits

When the storm is gone, the damage is clear

16 Sep 2010

121 visits

Broken on the breakwater

10 items in total