Hocking River Flood, April 21, 2011

News: One-picture stories

21 Apr 2011

143 visits

Hocking River Flood, April 21, 2011

You can tell by the faint submerged yellow line where the road is; the small red bit between the pole and the yellow sign at the center, two-thirds up, is a mostly submerged pickup truck. This was on Route 329 between Guysville and Stewart, Ohio. The flooding was expected to worsen over the following two days, as new rains moved into the area.

11 Mar 2011

1 favorite

152 visits

Same river -- Hocking -- different flood

The Hocking River in flood yet again. If you've looked at the earlier pictures, you'll recognize the barn at the right. The riverbed, by the way, is on the left.

19 Jun 1964

302 visits

My first published hard-news picture

I shot this one bright Friday morning, then took the film to the paper. I was 10 years old. There was a lot of racial tension at the time, and the Browns were the lone black family in the immediate neighborhood. Whether it was because of race or just a prank was never determined, because the villain was never caught. I had to scan a clip here -- the negative and original print are long gone.

01 Feb 2011

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219 visits

Flood, Jefferson City, Missouri, 1967

16 Sep 2010

135 visits

Lunar eclipse

Okay, this is the standard lunar eclipse picture. But I'd never done one before. Six exposures on one frame. Nikon F-3, 200mm Nikkor, Fujichrome

11 Sep 2010

91 visits

When Jimmy Carter was president

Every news photographer in the country had to make a gas-line picture. This was mine. Leica M-4, 35mm Summicrom, Tri-X, D-76 1:1

11 Sep 2010

101 visits

Junius, are you in there?

There had been two double-murders in Bedford Hills, a well-to-do Westchester County, New York, suburb. We had gotten a tip that a fellow named Junius Gray was suspected of having done the killings. Adam Nagourney (pictured) and I went to his East New York, Brooklyn house to ask him if he'd killed those people. But he was already in custody for a different crime. His family said he hadn't done it, but the grand jury disagreed. Junius died in prison. Leica M-2, 50mm Summilux, Tri-X, D-76 1:1

11 Sep 2010

179 visits

Linus the Lionhearted

It is called the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, dammit, not the Macy's Day Parade. I photographed it from the 23rd floor balcony at 1440 Broadway, New York, looking down on Times Square. Leica M-4, 50mm Summilux, Tri-X, Microdol-X 1:3

11 Sep 2010

117 visits

Neither rain, nor flood . . .

It would take more than a little high water to keep this mailman from making sure that the Turners of Greenburgh, New York, got their mail. Olympus OM-1, 35mm Zuiko, Tri-X, D-76 1:1
43 items in total