depscribe's photos

30 Apr 2019

64 visits

Looking across the valley

The 18-135mm Fuji, reports to the contrary notwithstanding, has an ugly color hotspot.

30 Apr 2019

79 visits

Bee visits dandelion

No matter what I tried, I could not get the bee to lighten in post. Possibly because it was black.

30 Apr 2019

70 visits

A pine stand

The neighboring property is a pine farm, and I climbed back there to make a picture. The little sapling in the foreground obviously isn't a pine.

29 Apr 2019

1 favorite

73 visits

Awful picture, but I like it

Was playing in the woods yesterday with a new, cheap 950nm filter on a Rokinon 12mm f2 lens (which ruined much of my day via its IR hotspot), and shot this in black-and-white. It's not technically good by any stretch, but I like it anyway.

29 Apr 2019

80 visits

Crunchy on the outside, creamy on the inside

29 Apr 2019

76 visits

One wing at a time

29 Apr 2019

84 visits

But beetles require some disassembly

29 Apr 2019

100 visits

Good thing turtles are faster than junebugs, at least in April

29 Apr 2019

98 visits

Ah, there's a nice after-lunch morsel

3636 items in total