Roséha D.'s photos

21 Sep 2023

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70 visits

The OAK **************

20 Sep 2023

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134 visits

Inanimate objects..................

Inanimate objects, Do you have a soul That clings to your soul And compels it to love? A. de Lamartine (1790-1869)

19 Sep 2023

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126 visits

"Couleurs d'ailleurs................

Les Cactus...... Terre rouge, sentiers étroits Entre les flancs de la montagne...... Feuilles géantes des cactus Défiant à la fois le soleil et les hommes ! Longues épines brunes Pointues comme des cris........................ © Roséha D. "Une bonne et belle semaine à chacune et chacun ! Merci pour vos visites toujours très appréciées. Amitié et bisous******************** -:-:-:-:-:-:- Translation by Ode L THE CACTUSES Red earth, narrow paths,Between the mountain sides. Giant leaves of the cactus, Defying both the Sun and men. Long brown thorns, As sharp as screams!

17 Sep 2023

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125 visits

"Déguster aussitôt*************

Vin conseillé : un rosé de Provence ou Sylvaner bien frais - Modération suggérée, of course****************

16 Sep 2023

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120 visits

"With only one paw, the sea gull defies the lows of gravity**********

We don't know it's because an accident or a malformation, but this lovely bird skates skillfully***** "Le Patineur" interpreted by Julien Clerc - video proposed by BORO on a preceding page. I kept it for this sea gull (le Goeland" - Thanks for your always kind visits and comments. Have a tender Saturday !!! Thinking of you*******

14 Sep 2023

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111 visits

Autum is coming........ Instrumental saxophone "DEAD LEAVES" ******** - "PREVERT & Kosma composition" - This beautiful musik is a little sad, but very "magic", and THE LIFE CONTINUES*********** All the best to you and have a tender veek-end ! Thinking of you, my dear friends******* A lot of thanks for your appreciated visits and comments********************* "THe FALLEN LEAVES" Oh, I wish you could remember The happy days when we were friends. In those days life was more beautiful, And the sun was hotter than today. Dead leaves are picked up by the shovelful. You see, I haven't forgotten. Dead leaves are picked up by the shovelful, So do memories and regrets And the north wind carries them away Into the cold night of oblivion. You see, I haven't forgotten The song you used to sing to me. Refrain X2 It's a song that reflects us. You loved me, and I loved you, And we lived together, You, who loved me, and I who loved you. But life drives apart those who love each other, Softly, quietly And the sea erases from the sand The footsteps of estranged lovers.

12 Sep 2023

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111 visits

"Swan lake - "Where are the swans ?...... - In the Bolchoï.... - Instrumental et ballet --- The musucian is surrounded by the bellerinas - Music of Tchaikovsky -

10 Sep 2023

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106 visits

"L'étang de Thau*******

A l'horison, la Colline de Sète, terre natale du poète Georges Brassens (1921-1981) - Il repose au Cimetière Marin - He performed : GASTIBELZA, written by V. Hugo -

09 Sep 2023

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116 visits

"Hommage aux victimes du séisme de Septembre 2023 à Marrakech.......................

PENSEES SOLIDAIRES POUR LE MAROC EN DEUIL - Et merci aux nations qui ont offert leur aide ! "SHOUKRAN JAZILAN******************************
94 items in total