Macro in Pink...

Explore: Populair!

Flower Girl(s)... (+ 2x PiP)

Balanced one...

11 Jun 2017 31 36 754
Banded demoiselle ~ Weidebeekjuffer (Calopteryx splendens), male ♂...

Great Green Bush-Cricket ~ Grote groene sabelsprin…

Rotterdam: Een stad die uitnodigt om anderen te on…

Orange Ropes...

Cycling in Dreamy Light...

Common blue ~ Icarusblauwtje (Polyommatus icarus),…

Clouded Yellow ~ Oranje luzernevlinder (Colias cro…

Good Morning SunShine...

Essex Skipper ~ Zwartsprietdikkopje (Thymelicus li…

Green-veined White ~ Klein geaderd witje (Pieris…

14 Apr 2017 23 18 649
I'm not ready with my Butterflies :-) This one if from April this year and I love the fine mood in it...

Stairs Around...

18 Aug 2012 25 32 764
HFF for everyone!

Ermine moth (spec) ~ Spinselmot ~ Stippelmot (Ypon…

09 Jun 2017 19 33 1100
See my three PiP's!! 1: Caterpillars in a leaf web. 2: Silk around the tree on the ground with caterpillars, larves and moth's. 3: The silk tree already without leaves :( These little ones pack a punch, and can transform an ordinary neighborhood into something right out of a fantasy horror movie in no time. Native to Europe, these moths like to make their homes in all kind of trees, in case you were wondering about the name. The "ermine" bit comes from the white, cobweb-like silk they produce to make cocoons for themselves--and for everything around them (like a fur coat for trees but gross). When they nest, the larvae coat an entire tree (or bush, or hedgerow, or building, or anything) with layers of gauzy white silk, making everything look ghostly and white. While the silk doesn't do any harm to human-made objects, it can be damaging to plants, causing them to lose their leaves. The trees look completely white. That's actually a layer of silk, and the specks you see are the moth caterpillars themselves. The caterpillars build communal nests and cocoons for safety, using whatever is around as the foundation.

Morning Colors above the lower Fence...

04 Sep 2017 15 32 785
HFF everyone!!

Small Heath ~ Hooibeestje (Coenonympha pamphilus).…

21 Jul 2017 26 22 614
On the upper side is also a tiny insect :-)

Ohhh, when the Sun is Coming Up above the Heather.…

It was me a pleasure to see this wild Horse on the…

Paddo in a Curl...

279 items in total