Castle View

Castles and Historical.

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03 Mar 2020

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Faith (and Grace and Gabriel! in PiP!!)

The gatehouse to the Bishops's Palace, Wells, Somerset on a lovely sunny day. This beautiful medieval palace has been home to the Bishops of Bath and Wells for over 800 years. Crossing the drawbridge across the moat you can see to your right a bell with a cord attached hanging from a window. The swans on the moat pull the cord, causing the bell to ring until they are fed. Grace and Gabriel are the new swans brought in from a rescue centre and trained to ring the bell in time honoured tradition. Please see PiP. I have added Faith's Song by Amy Wadge as a link Best viewed large I think. Thankyou

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03 Mar 2020

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Body and Soul! HFF!

Taken from across the moat at the Bishops' Palace in Wells, Somerset, the view shows Wells Cathedral in the background and a little boy on the left gently feeding the pigeons. I guess that means body and soul are nurtured here! The link is 'Body and Soul' performed by Tony Bennett and Amy Winehouse

22 Sep 2019

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Dunollie Lighthouse overlooked by Dunollie Castle. Clan chiefs and Lords of Lorn ruled over a large part of Argyll for over 1000 years from Dunolli. It remains the seat and ancestral home of Clan MacDougall.

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21 Sep 2021

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HBM from the land of Castle and Kilt

The ruins of Dunure Castle, Ayrshire, and the romantic setting for some of the scenes from Outlander series 3 and 4. The castle dates back to the 1200s and was then the main fortress of the Kennedy Family, Lords of Carrick and Earls of Cassilis. On the right hand side is the 'Doocot', which probably dates to the 15th century, and I added the PiP as I thought the man in the kilt suited the surroundings perfectly I have added a bit of a tongue in cheek link this week. Andy Stewart with 'Donald Where's Your Troosers'

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23 Sep 2021

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Rapunzel? (PiPs) HBM/ HFF!!

Maclellan's castle, Kircudbright, Galloway, Scotland c1560 was built on the site of the former convent of Greyfriars , built in 1449 and demolished when the new owner, Sir Thomas MacLellan, Provost of Kircudbright acquired the buildings and land Unlike many of Scotland's castles it has no 'bloody' history and seemed more for show than defence. It passed into state care in 1912 and is now looked after by Historic Environment Scotland. When we visited it appeared to be having some renovation by the scaffolding clearly seen here, but to my delight there was a 'maiden' imprisoned in the upper part of the castle, her 'hair' flowing down the castle walls. It made me think of Rapunzel, a story my children adored as children, always requesting 'Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair!' before bedtime. For a little bit of fun I have added 'Let Your Hair Down' by Magic!

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11 Jul 2022

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Cardoness Castle (PiP)

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07 May 2023

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218 visits

Historic Stirling

Stirling Castle, Scotland and the PiP shows the Wallace Monument Best viewed large I think, thank you. Stirling castle dates from the early 12th century, with a lot of the important buildings within the walls added between 1490 - 1600. Built high on a crag with steep cliffs on three sides It was a very important castle both strategically and historically with many batltles fought over it. During the wars of independence it changed hands eight times over a 50 year period. When Edward I of England invaded Scotland in 1296 he found the castle empty and claimed it. After 60 years of war the English were defeated by the Scots led by William Wallace and Andrew Moray at the Battle of Stirling Bridge. The leaders of the English army retreated into the castle but were starved into surrender by the Scots Recent history sees the castle as the home of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlands. Concerts have been held here inluding the one by Runrig in 2017. The National Wallace Monument is a monument to Scottish hero William Wallace. Sited on Abbey Craig, a hilltop overlooking Stirling, it is said to be the point from which William Wallace watched the gathering of Edward I's army before the Battle of Stirling. The link I have chosen to go with these images is by Runrig, live from Stirling Castle. Here is 'Hearts of Olden Glory'

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15 May 2023

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Carnasserie Castle

Carnasserie Castle, near Kilmartin, Argyll & Bute. The castle is a 16th Century tower house which is now in ruins but was once the home of the first Protestant Bishop of the Isles Master John Carswell, Rector of Kilmartin.

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27 Sep 2019

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212 visits

Aaargh Walls!!! (PiP)

Castle Stalker was built on it's own little island on Loch Laich an inlet off of Loch Linnhe near Appin in Argyll on the west coast of Scotland. Built in the 16th cenury for the Stewarts of Appin it is a four storey tower house in a beautiful setting and was once used as a hunting lodge for James IV. Indeed the Gaelic for Castle Stalker is Caisteal an Stalcaire, with Stalcaire meaning 'hunter' or 'falconer;' Castle Stalker has been used in a number of films like 'Highlander - Endgame' and others, but will be instantly recognised by many as 'Castle Aaargh' from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. That fact alone is probably good enough reason to make this a 'Happy' Wall Wednesday!!! A close up of the castle walls can be seen in the PiP and I think the main image would benefit from viewing large. Many thanks and HWW I have added a song called 'Hunter' by Dido
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